chapter thirteen

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"flight 113, omaha is boarding in 15 minutes, flight 113 in 15 minutes." the annoying woman echoed through out the empty airport.

I checked my phone.
no texts, no calls.

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and stared out at the rain pouring down outside. It reminded me of Mackenzie, she loved the rain.


' "come on jack!" she giggled pulling my arm. "it's lightening Mack, I don't feel like dying today. nope, no thanks." I chuckled. she stomped her foot jutting out her bottom lip at me. I finally gave in to her adorable face. "alright grab your coat." I smiled. "YAY!"'she screeched running down the stairs and out the door, ignoring what I told her. I followed slowly behind and grabbed my coat off the rack. "wow jack. isn't it just wonderful." she grinned in awe. I started singing that one song about dancing around and singing in the rain as she splashed in the puddles like a child. "we're singing in the rain, oh we're singing in the rain!" I jokingly sang loudly. I grabbed her hand and twirled her around in circles. she shivered a little and I pulled her body in close to mine. I took of my jacket draping it over her small shoulders. I hugged her and kissed her wet forehead. I closed my eyes and rocked us slowly to and fro. I know this may seem cliché but it truly did feel like it was just us, standing out in the pouring rain. the world was silent almost as if it was watching us and enjoying the love we share. Mackenzie suddenly looked up at me a blushed a little. "jack? can we do something?" she weakly smiled "yeah, what do you have in mind?" I chuckled kissing her nose. she responded by standing on her tip toes and planting a kiss on my lips. she wrapped her arms around my neck as I grabbed her waist pulling her off the ground and slowly spinning. this moment was perfect, I put her down looking into her deep eyes as she grinned at me like a child with her adorable braces. those deep eyes like the ocean, an ocean I would love to sail into and never come back.'

I turned away from the window and quickly wiped the cold tear that snuck out of my eye as gilinsky approached me.

"it's alright bro." he said pulling me up

"she's not coming is she jack? she never cared?" I said, my eyes still continuing to water.

I looked at him with said eyes, awaiting a response. he just stared back for a bit before dropping his head.

"I'm sorry johnson." he whispered

I had no cares left, I let my body fall weak as my arms wrapped around him.

"what am I supposed to do jack? I can't live without her. I'll never be able to make it. she's my everything, now I'll have nothing." I sobbed

"let's go jack, we are gonna miss our flight."

"that's okay." I weakly joked



I checked the clock as I whipped into a parking spot.


"shit!" I yelled hopping out of the car and sprinting inside

"flight to Omaha?" I asked a pretty woman behind the desk

"last gate on the right." she smiled

I ran as fast as I ,y feet could carry me checking the clock as I ran.


"fuck!" I screamed as I ran into someone and collapsing to the floor.
I hopped up and continued running feeling a little shitty about leaving that poor person that I just trampled. I checked my clock again.


I found the gate and ran down the tunnel pushing past the security

"excuse me! you can't go down there the planes about to leave!"

I informed the voice and ran, I ran faster than I had ever ran in my life. tears streaming down my face as I finally reached the opening to the plane, I ran onto the plane and to my surprise jack and gilinskys seats were only a few seats I front of the door. I sighed with a weak smile as I saw gilinsky catch a glimpse of me and tap jacks shoulder.

jack turned around and meet with my eyes. he looked awful but yet still beautiful. his face was pale and he looked so fragile. I did this to him, I felt terrible.

"Mack?" he softly smiled standing to his feet.

I ran into his arms sobbing.

"Jack. I'm so sorry, I overreac-"

he cut me off "no I'm sorry Mack, I promised I wouldn't leave and here I am on a plane. I was going to leave you, I'm sorry"

I got on my tip toes lightly kissing his soft lips. I missed his lips, oh god how I missed them.

"I still have that extra ticket, if you're willing to join us on our flight." he winked

"I'd be honored." I grinned kissing him once more. I heard faint awes and a few claps. I turned my head to see people filming and taking pictures of us. I blushed at how they thought this was cute, this was hella dramatic. no so much 'cute' more of exhausting and terrifying that I would lose the one person I love.



I grasped Mackenzie's small fragile hand as we took off. I took out my phone and got on twitter to find pictures of Mack and I. I watched one of the videos of us that gilinsky had posted. it's caption said,

' this is what love truly looks like, forgiveness. it's nothing like all of the theories the movies trick you to believe. it's actually complete hell, but all the hell is forgiven with love. this is the new theory of love, forgiveness is true love. '

I smiled as I noticed Mack reading the same thing as me. she turned to me with tears running down her face. I wiped them and gently kissed my lips.

"I love you Mackenzie Cailin "

"and I love you jack johnson"

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