chapter eleven

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what am I going to tell her? everything was just going fine with us. Mackenzie was finally becoming more stable and now I had to do this to her.

could she handle it?
what if she can't take it?


I woke to a pounding in my forehead . I heard the faint sound of jacks breath. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping but I didn't want to take my chances of him being asleep so I slowly attempted getting out of his bed.

jacks light grasp suddenly got tighter pulling me back in. I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"please don't leave." he croaked

"jack, my head hurts i need to get some Advil." I sighed

"no you don't." he spat

I was a little taken back. jack quickly flipped himself over so he was hovering above me. his soft lips inches away from mine. his lips crashed with mine sloppily but sweetly. I couldn't hold it back any longer and let the quiet moan that was stuck in my throat escaped from my mouth when his lips removed from mine and met with my neck.

his kisses traveled down to my shoulders then towards my chest. I took in a sharp breath and felt jack smile, pleased with my reaction.

jacks lips slowly retracted from mine and I couldn't help but let out a small whimper.

"better?" he smirked

I lightly nodded "mhm"

his warms hands grasped my hips pulling me back into the bed as I snuggled in close to jacks body.

jack kissed my nose making me crinkle my nose,"good."

I craved these moments. as we sat in silence I felt jacks grip slowly loosen. I could hear his faint snore and heavy breathe. I smiled to myself before drifting off into a deep slumber.



"come on Mackenzie we need to get up." jack croaked rubbing my shoulders

I checked my phone, 7:38

we slept for 5 hours? holy shit.

"well I guess we can't really do anything tonight since its late and raining outside." I groaned

"that's okay. how about movie night?" jack smiled.

i huffed and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. jack walked towards me lifting my chin lightly.

he softly pressed his tired lips against mine, "I can always" kiss, "go for" kiss "time with my baby" he finished placing a small kissed on my forehead I scrunched up my face and grinned at him like a little girl.

"alright before I kill myself out of boredom." jack chuckled hopping into bed next to me. he clicked the play button and pulled out a box of peanut m&ms. I love this boy.


"I still think Channing could have done some better acting and less naked dancing." jack grumbled

I rolled my eyes, "oh shut up. it was hot and you know it"

"you roll your eyes so much." he chuckled

I laughed and got an idea for a tweet. I pulled out my phone,

i attached a picture about bae and the things your bae can do wrong. basically basic shit that girls like. below the picture i typed

'rolls eyes so hard they bleed'

I posted it and quickly locked my phone. I didn't even realize it but jack was still completely silent. I got up as the silence grew awkward.

"I'm gonna brush my teeth and all that good stuff. are you staying here tonight?" I sighed

"I guess." he shrugged looking down at the carpet

I headed into the bathroom and tried to think. as I shut the door I slowly collapsed onto the floor. was it something I said? what could I possibly have done now?

everything was finally going fine. I hadn't touched my secret stash of blades in a month.

I opened the door back up and stood into front of jack on the bed. he sat staring in concentration at something on his phone.


"uhm" he raised his eyebrows but I could tell he wasn't really listening



"look at me jack."

his eyes barely met with mine and I searched his flat face looking for an answer.

I threw my arms up in confusion.

"well what did I do this time jack?"

"what are you taking about Mack?" he said grabbing my hands pulling my body to sit on the edge on the bed. I was careful and kept my good 2 feet of safety distance.

"oh god Mackenzie, I'm sorry." he ran a hand threw his hair in thought. I stayed completely quiet, waiting for him to finish.

"I didn't want to tell you because this is so hard to say. I really love you so much and this is gonna be very difficult. for us." jack sighed scooting a little closer

I moved over slightly, uncomfortable with his words. "tell me what jack.?"

"shit Mackenzie. this is so hard, I'm going back to Omaha. jack and I have a record issue and we are going to be gone for 2 months"


oooo. so how's Mackenzie gonna handle this, yikes.


xoxo bk

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