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She had an alternative but she decided to lodge in the same hotel as Ryan. She called Ryan that evening telling him she wanted to talk to him.
"I...couldn't wait to tell you and I don't know when I would see you again. Haven't I waited too long?" they sat in the lobby. She disliked the way Ryan starred at her. It made her nervous and she forgot what she wanted to say.
"I am sorry. I don't know what am saying, I just need someone to talk to because I'm bored." she said,
"Would you like to drink something?" she asked Ryan when he refused to speak. "I know you need to rest and your flight is..."
"You want me to stay longer." Ryan cut in. Nicole was too embarrassed to admit. How did he know?
"You want me to stay longer?" he asked her this time. "I can if you want me to."
"Yes. I want us to spend a little more time together before you leave." she smiled slightly.
"We always spend time together. For the past few months we go to church together, isn't it?"
"You know what I'm talking about." Nicole said, looking bashful.
"No, I don't." Ryan chuckled softly. "I think it's time." he said and stood up from the chair he sat close to hers.
"Time for what?" She asked confused.
"Meet me here tomorrow by 2:00pm, if you care to know." with that he left her seated alone in the lobby. What had she done? She had fooled herself in front of him. She texted him that she needed to talk to him and then she said nonsense. She couldn't imagine herself saying what she said earlier. Well, she hope she didn't give him a wrong impression.
This was one of the reason she saved his contact with 'who are you?' because he behaves in a strange way that she finds it difficult to understand him. She wondered what he wanted to tell her, If it was important or not and Ryan is not someone who jokes around.
That night Nicole prayed as usual but this time she wanted God to reveal what Ryan was hiding and who Ryan really was because sometimes she thinks he's an angel. What was he doing in Nigeria of all places? It's still shocking because she never told him of her plans of coming here and he never told her of his plans as well. Nicole rolled from side to side on the bed with the pillow pressed between her thigh. There wasn't need for a blanket because the weather was hot over here and she was adapting to the weather. Sadly, the air-conditioning system did no good, it only blew hot air that she felt she was a roasting chicken on a skewer.

☬ ☬ ☬

"The first time I came to this country, I had a company. I was the copilot then. We visited the slave trade centre in Badagry. I heard lot of stories, touching stories and I cried." Ryan said as they trekked down the street.
She met him in the lobby by 2:00pm that afternoon and he told her he wants her to stroll with him so she could learn a few things about the country she was in. In Nigeria, drivers drive on the left side of the road unlike London where drivers drive on the right side.
"I have heard the story of the slave trade. It's disheartening." Nicole said.
"Recently, I got to know that this is my homeland. This is where I come from, Nigeria. I have researched and I am so happy."
"Wow, that's good news but, they don't recognize you as their citizen." Nicole chuckled.
"I may not be recognized as their citizen but I'm a Nigerian take it or leave it and I'm proud of my identity and funny enough in Nigeria they're so many tribes..."
"Which one are you from? Zulu?"
"Zulu? What are you saying? That's a tribe in South africa. I'm talking about Nigeria here."
"My bad!" Nicole laughed, "I know nothing other than criminal cases and my name."
Ryan laughed hysterically shaking his head. "You know that's not too good."
Nicole closed her eyes tight in embarrassment and opened them, blinking rapidly. She now realized how badly she needs to explore the world. Even the few countries she had been to, she knew nothing about the people.
"I am from the Edo tribe in Benin."
"Benin Kingdom!" Nicole exclaimed. "I once read about their history. They were very powerful people."
"They still are."
"So, all this culture still exist?"
"Of course. Even the ones we haven't heard of."
Ryan stopped walking and held her hand. She looked at him raising her eyebrow.
"I would like you to try out their food. A restaurant is on the other side." he told her.
"I am so sorry I'll have to hold you like as a child. Drivers don't respect pedestrians." he chuckled and Nicole just smiled.
"How does it taste?" he asked her when she ate the pounded yam with egusi soup. Nicole nodded her head and smiled. The food was delicious, she liked it and kept on eating until her plate was empty. She drank water and belch loudly.
"I am sorry, it wasn't intented." she apologized. As she wiped her mouth with the serviette provided on the table she laughed at herself and to her surprise she saw Ryan laughing too.
"It is normal to belch but, I wasn't expecting that it was too loud. I hope it's only me who heard it." He said and she laughed, blushing in embarrassment.
Ryan finished his food and started talked about himself.
"...we didn't need to end the relationship, the relationship ended itself."
She didn't know why he was tells her the history of his life. Did he trust her so much? They weren't even close to that extent,
"She was cheating on you?" Nicole gaped, placing three fingers over her mouth.
"Yes. Besides, she was a month pregnant. The man she was messing around with revealed it to me. She didn't want to marry him because he was an illiterate and she wasn't and she came from an elite family who wouldn't accept such a man."
"Did she love him?"
"I guess so. Thank God her infidelity was exposed. I cried for months, in fact years. I loved her and trusted her, we were Christians so, I didn't expect such behaviour from her."
"I am really sorry."
All of a sudden he became quiet, starring at her. Nicole cleared her throat, looking away but he still kept on starring at her.
"So, what now?"
"Your story."
"Oh," Nicole smiled. "I don't have much to say. You know almost everything. I graduated from Cambridge university with a first class in criminology and I started walking with the London police department as a detective. My father died three years ago and you know my mum."
"What about your love story?" Ryan asked her and smiled
"My love story?" she chuckled. "Are you serious?"
"Yes, I want to hear your story."
Nicole receded, resting on the chair. She looked around and then back at Ryan who was waiting for her to talk.
"It is okay if you don't want to talk about it." Ryan stood up ready to leave.
"Please, sit. I want to but, it's hard to say. We met on a lonely road. I was going to visit my sick dad in hospital and my car broke down. I was so angry that day, I used to have a bad temper then- before I gave my life to Christ. He helped me to fix my car and it was working perfectly. After that day I never saw him until I met him surprisingly in Bristol when I went to visit my mother and that's when our relationship started. I liked him because he was a simple, nice and gentle young man. One day I realised he had a drinking problem when I visited him without informing him. I almost got hit with a bottle. He was a sorry sight. Then, I realised he had lot of secret that he didn't share with me... he was secretive. Four years ago I worked on a homicide case. It took us three years to find the perpetrator. My ex-boyfriend was the perpetrator. I find it hard to believe even now." she swallowed pass the lump in her throat as her eyes burned with unshed tears. "Well, what happened led me to Christ, the both of us to Christ. I learnt to forgive, I learnt to control my anger and I learnt to trust only one person, Jesus." she closed her eyes allowing her tears to cascade down her cheeks.
Shaking his head in awe, he said, "What a story."
"That's why I'm not in a relationship yet, I don't want make the same mistake." she smiled slightly. "Are you in a relation...forgive my... "
"I am not. It's good you asked. That brings us to why we came here. Nicole, I don't know when such an opportunity will come again and I know that for me to see you in this country of all places is Divine." Ryan knelt down. "Miss Nicole Harper, will you marry me?"
Nicole heart raced on hearing his last statement. She wasn't expecting it. She was awestruck at the moment.
Her hand wobbled as she picked up her bottle of water. She gulped down her dry throat and returned the bottle to the table.
"Can I...please sit." she begged him. "I will pray about it. I wasn't expecting this." she stood up to take her leave. "You would be late for your flight."
"We would. I could fly you home."
"Really? My flight is this weekend."
"it is your choice."

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