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PUSHING the door open to his house, Neil removed his suit and walked into the house. "Phew," he was exhausted.
"Cupcake, you are home." His wife, Bailey kissed his sweaty cheek collecting his briefcase and suit.
"Oh, dear! How has your day been?" he said as he plopped down on the sofa.
"To be sincere, it was stressful. Yours?"
"Same... what of the children?"
"They are asleep... you must be very tired and hungry, go and shower while I prepare the table for dinner." she went to the room to drop his suit and briefcase before returning to the kitchen.
"How are your online sales going?" Neil said after they had prayed for their food.
"Okay... it's just that the goods I had ordered online got stuck," she said taking a spoonful of her Spaghetti Bolognese.
"Stuck? That means it didn't arrive here?"
"Yes and that's why I waited for you to come home, Neil, I am no longer interested in the business. Ever since I started this online business I haven't had peace of mind... everything is just going from bad to worst. It was because of the children I stopped working in the restaurant but Neil, I prefer working in the restaurant than to..." she swallowed hard, tears welling in her eyes.
"Bailey?" Neil took hold of her hand "Before you start a business you have to have full knowledge about the business, apart from that, you have to love what you do or else when circumstances arise you'll easily lose hope. So Bailey, tell me, what are you good at?"
"um... I don't know." she sniffed
Neil chuckled "Take a deep breath and think."
She inhaled and exhaled "I think I love cooking."
"Good. You can bake from home and deliver it to people at their homes." Neil suggested.
"Hmm... I never thought of that, that sounds like a nice idea." she smiled at him "can we pray about it?"
"Sure" holding her hand, he prayed.
"Amen!" Bailey said after he had finished praying. She felt happy and relieved now. "Thank you cupcake."
"You are welcome."
"How is the murder case you are working on going?" she said as they ate.
"No improvement. Miss Harper and I haven't gotten a lead yet, we are clueless. Can you imagine we have no suspect yet, we are just waiting for the autopsy lab report which will arrive in two weeks."
"Have you contacted the relations of the couple?"
"Yes. The lady's mother will be coming to the police department tomorrow."
"I'll join you in prayers." she stood and patted his shoulder. She cleared the table, carrying the dishes to the kitchen.
"Let me help you" Neil offered to help her wash the dishes.
"Thank you" she kissed his cheek and he laughed.

☬ ☬ ☬

If only her car could work she would have been at the hospital. She wanted to give her sick Dad a surprise visit and then head to work. Now, here she is stuck in the middle of nowhere, on a lonely tiled road. Nicole turned the key to start the car but it didn't start. She got frustrated hitting the steering wheel with her fist.
"Damn! Damn! Damn!" she cried shaking her head angrily. She rummaged through her handbag for her phone on the passenger seat, and she let out a sob. The switched on her phone and stared at the home screen. Even if she called anyone, would she be able to describe where she was? She reached beneath the steering wheel to open the bonnet. She got out and pushed the bonnet up, she stared at the car battery and sighed. It was tightly fixed and she has not run out of gas, so what was the problem?
She went into the car and slouched on the driver's seat helpless and clueless.
"Need some help?" she heard someone say. She turned and saw a young man looking down at her.
She sighed in relief "Yes please, my car just stopped, and I ... "
"Let me see" she got out of the car and showed the man the car battery. "Do you know what the problem is?" she asked.
"I guess I do " he bit his lower lips studying the battery. "your car's battery is low... I can use mine to start yours, what do you think?"
"Yes... please" the young man walked to his car parked behind hers, opened his bonnet, and brought out his battery. He walked over to her car and unscrewed her battery, he removed it and put his battery, screwing it tight. He went into her car and started the engine.
"Thank you so much," she said and smiled after the car roared to life.
"You are welcome" the man smiled back at her.
"How much am I going to pay you?" she said.
The man laughed "No need."
"Thanks again... I am Miss Nicole Harper, your name please?" she stretched her hand for a handshake.
"um... Alfred...Alfred Blaylock." he shook her
"Nice to meet you." she smiled at him and then got into her car. She honked her horn as he drove past her waving at him, she ignited her engine and drove off.

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