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      “BYE MISS HARPER, HAVE A SPLENDID WEEKEND! ” Neil waved at Nicole as she pulled out of the parking lot of the police department.
“Yeah, you too!” she waved back smiling. She rolled up her car windows, put on the air conditioner and turned on the radio as she drove, she was driving all the way to Bristol to visit her mother and Alfred. She bobbed her head to the hip-hop music that played on the radio. Thinking of Alfred alone made her exuberant. She just couldn't explain the feeling she felt whenever she thought of him. Some people say they feel butterflies in their stomach whenever they thought of their lover but hers wasn't that way. Her romantic relationship with Alfred was her first though men had wanted a relationship with her but she had always refused bluntly, because she wasn't ready for any and she was focused on her goal of becoming the youngest female detective in London who can solve any criminal case of which she is yet to achieve. She didn't know why Alfred's own was an exception. From the first day she met him, it was his innocent emerald green eyes that drew her to him, his eyes reminded her of the beautiful nature.
Nicole drew in a long breathe and laughed at the strange love feelings she felt coupled with the cheesy love song that played from her car radio.
“I have been searching for love… but love was closer than I thought…” she sang along with the musician, tapping the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music.

          ☬              ☬             ☬
  Nicole knocked on the door as soon as she arrived her mother's house.
“Knock, knock, who is home?” she said
“Hey darling, you came earlier than I expected.” Yvonne said as she opened the door.
“Yeah, that's because I have two people to visit.” Nicole said walking into the warm house.
“Hmm…” her mother gave her a knowing smile, wriggling her eyebrow.
Nicole rolled her eyes, blushing.
“How have you been, mum?”
“I am good, you?”
“More than awesome!” she threw her hands in the air, overjoyed. She pressed her right cheek to her mother's cheek, hugging her. “I have missed you mom.”
“I have missed you too, baby.”
Nicole sniffed the air, perceiving something.
“What do I smell, are you cooking?” she asked her mum.
“Yes, I am making something special, Chicken Tikka Masala.”
“Wait, wait, wait. What's that?”
“It is an Indian dish.”
“Indian? Gross. The name already puts me off but, it smells nice.”
“Come and have a taste.” Yvonne said pulling Nicole towards the kitchen. Nicole threw her hand bag to the couch as she followed her mom.
“Mmm… this is absolutely yummy!” Nicole said as her mom gave her a spoonful of the dish. “It has a lot of spice though.”
“That’s how the dish is made.”
“What do we have for dessert?”
“Why don't you suggest?”
“Okay…um, cold watermelon juice.”
“That's okay.”
“Let me wash my hand so that I can begin slicing the watermelon.” Nicole said as she hurried to the sink.
“If your dad was here he would have said this food is peperlicious.” Yvonne said and laughed as she and Nicole sat at the dining table, eating.
Nicole laughed too, “Or he would have said this food is currylicious,” Nicole laughed and her mother joined in the laughter. “Dad was so full of humours, he always made us laugh, he was just too awesome.” Nicole said her eyes filled with tears.
“He was more than awesome, he was loving, gentle and intelligent. We seldomly quarrell, he was just a perfect husband.” Yvonne smiled sadly.
“And a perfect father, I can remember vividly, he used to attend all my ballet performances when I was in elementary school. He never misses them. We would sing together and dance as a family, he always keeps the atmosphere lively whenever he is around. I really miss him.” Nicole cried.
“It is okay dear, his memory will forever be in our heart.” Yvonne took hold of Nicole's hand across the table, stroking it.
“Mum, you are the best cook in the whole word!” Nicole said eating, after wiping off her tears.
“Thanks love.” Yvonne smiled proudly.
“You are welcome love.”  Nicole laughed and her mother laughed too.
“I have to be on my way to Alfred's house now.” Nicole said as she helped her mum clear the dirty dishes.
“I will take a quick shower and take off.”
“Be careful and don't be long.”
“I won't, I promise.”

           ☬             ☬             ☬

      Alfred's car pulled up behind Nicole's car few minutes after she had arrived at his house.
“What a surprise!” Alfred said as he got out of his car walking towards Nicole who was leaning on the door on the driver's side of her car.
“Good afternoon, where are you coming from?”
“Work. Afternoon sunflower, how was your day?” he hugged her.
“It was awesome, how about yours?” she said, perceiving pespiration from his shirt.
“Stressful,” Alfred said after releasing her from the hug. “please, come into my abode.” he said as he led her into his house. “Make yourself feel at home.” he said as he motioned for her to sit.
     Nicole looked around his small apartment, she had been here before but there was something different about the place.

Did he change his curtains or did he repaint his house?

She thought.
“What? Is there something strange?” Alfred said when he noticed her looking around his apartment with a curious look on her face.
“No, it's just that your sitting room looks different from what I saw the last time I came.”
Alfred laughed, “Good observation. I refurbished my house. ”
“Phew! It's beautiful. Can you show me around?”
“I’ll be thrilled to.” Alfred grinned.
“Thanks.” she said and followed him to his small kitchen. The smell of the kitchen alone made her hungry again.
“You really did a good work here.” Nicole complimented admiring his kitchen.
“If you didn't tell me you stay here alone, I would have thought a lady stays here with you. Your kitchen arrangement is perfect.” Nicole said pressing  her thumb and forefinger together.
As Nicole opened his mini fridge, a cold breeze wafted through the air.
“Your fridge is well arranged.” she commented taking  an apple from it.
“Thank you. Let’s move on.” Alfred said leading her to his room.
      After Alfred showed her all the places in his one bedroom flat, they settled down in the sitting room licking chocolate ice cream.
“The person who refurbished your house really did a good job.” Nicole said licking her spoon of ice cream.
“The person is me.”
“You don't mean it, do you?”
“I mean it, I refurbished my house myself. I also have some knowledge on carpentry and house decoration because my mum and dad were into it. It's was like a family business.”
“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Nicole clapped her hand. “My house is badly in need of refurbishing. Can you help me in refurbishing it?” Nicole pouted.
“I will see want I can do.”
“Thank you, thank you!” Nicole squealed.
Alfred touched her hair, stroking it and said, “Hmm… your hair texture is silky and curly. I love it and your dark skin complexion is just like the chocolate ice cream we just finished licking and your eyes… hmm…,” Alfred tapped his chin thoughtfully while Nicole blushed, smiling shyly.
“your eyes has the rich dark coffee colour, your lips…” Alfred touched her lips with his thumb. Nicole felt her stomach and her head do a lot of pirouette and somersault. His touch had an effect on her.  “your lips are heartshaped and enticing. You are extremely beautiful, Nicole.” Alfred caressed her right ears and then shifted closer to her, cupping her oblong face in his hand. He leaned forward to kiss the tip of her pointed nose and then kissed her lips to her surprise. Nicole retreated from his touch, blinking rapidly with a mixed feeling of disappoinment and anger. She wasn't expecting him to kiss her.

What made him do this?

She thought.

She stood up abruptly from the couch, picking up her shoulder bag from the couch.
“What’s the problem?”
“I need to go now.” she managed to find her voice to speak.
“Why? Why are you acting strange all of a sudden?”
“I need to leave, it's already late.”
“But it is not even six o'clock yet. We've not spent up to three hours together.”
“I need to leave!” she yelled angrily as tears trickled down her cheeks. Alfred was astonished and dumbfounded, he didn't know why she was behaving this way.  Feeling upset, he stood up and walked towards the door, opening it for her.
     As Nicole drove to her mother's house, she kept on pondering on what happened in Alfred's house. She just couldn't fathom why he did it.

I should have seen it coming, why didn't I stop him?

She whimpered.
Though that was her first kiss, she didn't like it, she wanted her first kiss to be on her wedding day. She cussed under her breathe, hitting her steering wheel with her fist in infuriation.

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