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      TO GARY'S UTMOST SURPRISE, Sally's mother, Mrs Jacqueline Roosevelt forgave him from the bottom of her heart though he was still sentenced to jail for twenty five years with a possibility of parole. He knew spending twenty five years in prison wasn't an easy task after all, he was paying for the consequences of his crime…just as David in the holy Bible, who was the man after God's heart did, he paid dearly for the murder of Uriah and for committing adultery with Uriah's wife–Bathsheba. The death of his newly born child was one of the consequences.
    Notwithstanding, he was going to face whatever challenge that comes his way with the support of his newly found friend–Jesus.

    Neil's joy new no bound since the day the young man named Gary Baxter gave his life to Jesus Christ but, right now his main concern was Nicole especially as she has been in the hospital for close to four days . It was Friday and Neil closed from work early just to see Nicole, he hurriedly walked to his car and within seconds he was out of the parking lot, driving to Oakdale private hospital where Nicole was hospitalized. This was the first time he was visiting her, after he heard about the fatal accident three days ago because he was so occupied with Gary's court case which ended the previous day.
    Shaking his head astonished at how Nicole looked, Neil shut the door behind him after he had entered Nicole's ward in the private hospital. She was pale and had grown lean just within few days. IV infusion pump was fixed to her hand and her neck was supported with a neck brace, she had a head bandage, neatly wrapped around her head. She was in a sorry state. Neil  was glad she didn't die, if she had died where could she have gone to? He thanked God in his mind for giving her a second chance. He sat on the chair close to her bed as he took a quick glance round the ward again before starring at her face. She was asleep and the ward was quiet except from the beeping noise of the heart monitor, monitoring her heartbeat.
“Miss Harper, I am so glad you survived the accident. What a strong woman you are,” he said as he stroke her hand, the hand in which a drip was fastened to. “but, how you ran away from the interrogation room that day came as a bolt from the blue. I now understand what caused your reaction that day, I understand how you feel and I want you to know someone cares about you too…” he trailed off when he saw tears stream down the sides of her cheeks from her closed eyes. “Miss Harper, it is me Neil, Neil Darwin.”
Nicole smiled weekly. He was glad she could hear him.
“I…I came here to see how you're doing and I can see you're doing great.” Nicole smiled again this time more tears poured out of her closed eyes, staining her cheeks. Neil squeezed her hand lightly because he was moved by her tears, he knew she was heartbroken.
“Sometimes, the people who we love, trust and care for are the same people who seems to betray us, I don't know why but,…that's life for you, you can't trust anyone not even your close relative because they can err. We can't blame such people, they are humans, aren't they? We too would have done the same thing, if we were in their shoes. Although I know someone who can never betray our trust, who can never err. He cares about our every need, he is our burden bearer, he said in
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. He is the only one that can promise and never fail, he is a covenant keeper…”
“Really?” she used her other hand to wipe her running nose dry, sniffling. “I don't think so because if he cared, he wouldn't have let my dad who loved him more than anything else suffer from cancer and later die at a very prime age.” she said through trembling lips as more tears cascaded down her cheeks.
“It was God's will, Miss Harper.” Neil said stroking her hand gently trying to calm her down.
“So it was God's will that he suffered first from Alzheimer before he was later diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer which killed him? Is that how he cares for people? Inflicting them with plagues and leaving  them to die like animals?!” her whole body was trembling as she spoke furiously.
“No, it isn't God's will for people to suffer, he has done that for us…Isaiah 53:4–5 says, Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” he quoted off hand, he didn't want to bore her with bible verses but he needed to tell her the truth. After some tense silence of watching Nicole sob, he spoke again.
“Giving your life to Christ is one of the things that will make your dad happier in heaven…Everyday, Jesus Christ and the saints in heaven pray ceaselessly for the prodigal son or daughter who had wandered away to come back home. He left the remaining safe ninety nine sheep just to look for that one sheep who had wandered away, you can imagine such love.”  Neil told her but she turned her head slowly away to the window, sniffling loudly.
“If giving my life to christ is what will make my dad happy, I will do it.” she said still gazing at the red–yellow sun that was now descending slowly behind the cloud.
“What about you, will it make you happy? It's a decision, Miss Harper and if you make the right decision, it will save you from that huge strong man that moves around like a roaring lion, looking for who to devour, make that decision now, before he wins the battle…Miss Harper, Jesus is yelling ‘I can help you, I can save you from the the huge strong man that does nothing but inflict pain on you’ don't refuse his help again, Miss Harper…please.” Neil spoke and shook his head, surprised at what he just said. He didn't know why he said those words.

Am I the one who just said that?

It was the holy spirit, speaking through him.

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    Nicole was flabbergasted at how Neil narrated exactly what had happened in her dream.
“How did he know?” she asked herself rhetorically.
He was right, she had refused the help of the huger man who seemed nice and gentle towards her despite how rudely she spoke to him and she remembered vividly how the huge strong cruel man who was fighting her, stabbed her and he laughed as he watched her, shriek in pain.

So the huger, stronger, nice and gentle  man who I had refused his help bluntly, was JESUS?

“But, he left me…Jesus left me.…” she said and couldn't speak anymore because  she was crying uncontrollably.
“He didn't…he is closer than you think, you just didn't notice him and never asked for his help.”
She cried the more, her tears soaking the pillow she laid her head on.
“Jesus! I need your help, I need you to take over the battle I have been fighting for years, alone. I can't fight alone…I need you!” she cried her heart out using her last bit of strength.
“Are you ready to accept him as your lord and personal saviour?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed.
“Praise God!” Neil said gleefully. “Now, say this after me…Heavenly father,…”
“Heavenly Father, I admit I am a sinner. I need and want your forgiveness. I accept your death as the penalty for my sin and recognize that your mercy and grace is a gift you offer to me because of your great love, not based on anything I have done. Cleanse me and make me Your child. By faith I receive you into my heart as the Son of God and as Savior and Lord of my life. From now on, help me live for you, with you in control. In your precious name, Amen.” she repeated the repentance prayer after Neil.
“Wow! What a bold step. Congratulations, you are now a daughter of Christ, you are born again!” Neil held her hand firmly as he said joyfully.
“I am saved, just like that?” Nicole asked, beaming.
“Yes! But, you have to change  from your old lifestyle, shun ungodly habit and embrace godly habit. Start attending a bible believing church near your home and be at peace with your neighbour, that is, you have to forgive those who have hurt you and let go…I mean, forget.”
A sour look appeared on her face and she spoke abruptly, “That's impossible!”
“Why? Have you forgotten the countless times we rub the name of Jesus Christ in the mud? Have you forgotten how many times we've nailed him to the cross again and again yet, he forgives us…”
Nicole covered her ears, fresh tears welling in her eyes as she whimpered.
“I just can't, I can't forgive Alfred, I can't forgive him…he lied to me for years!” she flared up, withdrawing from his touch curtly. Neil was so surprised by her reaction. She could have cut the drip fastened to her hand or pulled the saline bag down by her sudden movement.
“You lied to him too, you never told him your real occupation.” Neil told her without mincing words.
Nicole wiped the tears off her face, using a tissue from the table close to her bed and blew her running nose in it. She couldn't speak again, realising what he said was true.
“I wanted to protect myself.” she mumbled, color filling her cheeks in embarrassment.
“He wanted to do the same too.”
“I…I …” she stammered not finding the right word to say as she broke into a sob.
“Will you think about it?”
She nodded her head.
“The earlier the better.” Neil sighed. “If there is only one thing that will hinder Jesus Christ from fighting your battle, it is Unforgiveness,” Neil said and stood up, patting her hands gently. “I will see you some other time, I wish you safe recovery.” he said and leaned down to peck her hand. Nicole shut her eyes tightly, fresh warm tears, streaming down her cheeks. She opened her eyes again and watched Neil leave her ward.
“God why? Why do I have to forgive him? He doesn't deserve my forgiveness, he needs to suffer for his sins. People like him deserves to be put in the hottest part of hell. How could he kill such innocent couple brutally and still live peacefully…how could he?” she blubbered, her chest heaving heavily as she spoke. She had never felt the way she felt now, she felt confused, heartbroken, betrayed… she felt as if she had been stabbed in the chest a thousand times. With the way she felt, will she be able to forgive the man who she had given her all to and at the end he, betrayed her?

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