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      STILL ASTOUNDED, Neil rubbed his forehead repeatedly as he paced around the interrogation room. He wondered why Detective Nicole will run out of the room just because she saw Gary Baxter…why?
He stopped pacing around and starred at the suspect who bowed his head, sobbing quietly. He went back to his chair and sat.
“Gary, I will ask you for the last time, do you know her?!” he didn't plan to yell at him but the question came out as a yell, because he couldn't control his emotion. Gary cried uncontrollably, covering his face in shame.
“She is my girlfriend.” he muttered.
“Detective Nicole Harper is your girlfriend?” Neil asked again, to be sure if he heard him well.
“Yes,…I deceived her all the entire time I knew her, I lied to her, I wasn't a good boyfriend at all. I was a camouflage, I am a sadist… I hate myself… I hate myself.”  he raked his hand through his hair, angry.
“Why did you do it?” Neil asked him.
“Why did you kill the McBride's?”
Tears spilled out of his eyes the more. “Jealousy, anger and depression.” he confessed.
“Why did you allow jealousy, anger and depression take advantage of you?”
“I don't know… I was tired of being castigated, I was tired of being seen as a nobody, I was tired of being a  coward…I hated my life,I wanted to take vengeance for being castigated by Sally's parent. They hated me, they ruined our good relationship…Sally loved me, I know but, her parent brainwashed her into quitting from  the relationship because they felt I won't be able to make a good husband and that I wasn't financially stable to start a family… they forced her to marry a rich man named James McBride. I was so furious that I vowed to take my pound of flesh.”
“And then, you killed her, you killed the two of them.”
“I didn't mean to, but I had to, because she would have reported to the police if I had killed only her husband.”
“You should have chosen a better option.”
“What other option?… I thought of so many but none seemed better than murder.”
Neil shook his head pitifully.
“Gary, if you had known Jesus, you wouldn't have done that, you would have forgiven the people who hurt you.”
“He is the way, the creator of the universe, the burden bearer, our saviour, the one who died for us to live, he was bruised for our iniquity. He is the prince of peace, a friend, a father to the fatherless, a brother… he is everything to those who love he him.” Neil explained to him, looking into his green eyes that held anguish.
“He is a father to the fatherless? The prince of peace? He died for us to live?” Gary asked, tears blurring his vision.
“Yes.” Neil smiled faintly.
“I have never had a father figure in my whole entire life, before my mother passed away, she told me that before I was born, my dad died while fighting war for England, he was a soldier and when I was eight years old my mother died of low blood sugar. After my mother's death, her sister took me in to take care of me, but I hated her and I still do, she is the main reason why my life is a total mess…she maltreated me, treating me as a trash.  When I was sixteen I had to drop out from school because she didn't want me to go to school any longer though she had the money and she kicked me out of her house so, I had to take full responsibility of taking care of myself. I started learning how to fix electrical appliances, cars and other technical things too and I started earning money from fixing the cars and electrical appliances for people…. Sally was one of my customers, she came by my workshop everyday to get one or two things fixed and that's how we fell in love but… but,” he sighed deeply, sniffling. “I regret my action, I truly need help.” he cried.
Neil reached to touch Gary's hand on the table, squeezing it.
“Jesus is willing to help you, only if you come to him… Jesus Christ said, come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
“If Jesus Christ is the only one that can help me, I am ready to do anything for him so he can help me.”
“He doesn't need your money, he doesn't need anything from you except your soul, heart, strength and mind. He needs you to love him.”
“Is that all?”
“Where can I find him, I really need his help right now?”
“He is here but he is a spirit.”
“Can he hear me?”
“Yes, he knows you by your name, he knew you before you were born because he is the one who created you.”
“Wow! If I knew all this while that the person who can help me was so close than I thought, I wouldn't have hesitated in asking for his help. What do I say? How do I ask for his help?”
“Are you sure you are ready to accept Christ?”
“I am, I have suffered enough, I really need his help.” Gary blubbered.
Neil smiled, he could see how desperate he was for Jesus Christ to help him. Neil pushed his chair backward, standing up and walked to where Gary sat, holding his hands.
“Repeat after me, Gary. Heavenly father, I have decided to faithfully serve you, I repent of my sins, and I am completely turning my back against sinful habits. Henceforth, I will make you happy by living acceptable life before you. Please give me the grace to keep my promises and let me receive your benefit. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.” Neil said while Gary repeated after him.
“Congratulations bro! welcome to the body of christ.” Neil shook his hand.
“Thank you, I feel relieved.” Gary smiled.
“Yes, that's the peace of God.” Neil said and walked back to his seat to sit.
“Gary, now that you're a new man, you have to openly apologize to the families of the McBride's. Will you?”
“I can but, will they forgive me?”
“Some will while some won't, but, it doesn't matter, as far you've cleared your conscience. By the way, my name is Neil Darwin.”
“Nice to meet you sir, I will forever be grateful for what you've done for me.” Gary said through teary eyes.

            ☬            ☬           ☬

“Nikky!” Yvonne cried out as she walked into Nicole's ward in the hospital she was taken to, after the fatal accident. She saw a black young gentleman, seated on a chair close to Nicole's bed.

          That isn't Alfred.

She thought as she approached Nicole's bed.
She man saw her and smiled warmly, greeting her.
“Good afternoon ma'am.”
Yvonne smiled and nodded her head, “I am the victims mother. Please may I know who you are?” she asked the young gentleman.
“I am Ryan Stanfield.”
“Ryan… you must be the young man the doctor told me about? You're the one who saved my daughter?”
“I had to, especially when I saw her in a sorry state.”
“Thank you so… so much, I don't know how to repay you for your kindness.”
“It's okay, I don't need anything from you. I think it's time for me to go now, since you're here.”
“How long have you been waiting?”
“Four hours, to be precise.”
“Ah, I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I would have been here earlier but, I don't live in London, I live in Bristol.”
“It's nothing. I am glad I helped, don't worry, she's going to be fine. I will come back in the evening to see how she's doing.”
“Thank you so much sir.”
Ryan nodded his head, smiling. “Goodbye!” he waved as he walked out of the ward.
“Goodbye.” Yvonne muttered. After he was gone, she sat on Nicole's bed, stroking her cheeks.
“Honey, what happened? How did the accident happen?” Yvonne said, tears trickling down her cheeks.
“Please, don't leave me Nicole, I have lost your father already and I can't afford to lose you…no! I will die, if you die.” she rested her head on Nicole's chest, weeping.
“Who did this to you?! Who?! I swear, whoever did this will rot in jail!” she gritted her teeth, cussing out  angrily.

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