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      IMMEDIATELY Nicole parked her car in the hospital's parking lot, she rushed out of the car without locking it into the hospital. She saw her mum talking to a doctor, she rushed to hug her mom, sobbing.
“Where is he?” she asked.
“The doctor said they are taking him to the morgue.” Nicole's mother said, stroking Nicole's hair.
“So soon,”  she took a step backward as she released her mum from the hug. “I want to see him… I want to see him mum.” she said walking briskly to the room where her father was before.
“Nicole! Nicole!” her mom said walking behind her trying to keep up to her pace.
     Nicole opened the door to her father's room, she saw the bed empty and some nurses trying to put some things in place.
“Excuse me,” she said to one of the nurses “Where is the old man who used to stay in this room?”
“I am sorry, he passed on during the early hours of the morning, he was just taken to the morgue.”
“Can I see him?”
“Who is he to you?”
“He is my father.”
“Okay, please follow me.” the nurse picked up her tray of medical supplies from the bed and lead Nicole to where her father was.
“Dad!” Nicole ran into the place where her father was, he was covered with white cloth from head to toe. She uncovered his face and touched it, he was already cold and pale with a smile spread on his lips, his ear and nose was covered with cotton wool. She rested her head on his chest as she cried uncontrollably.
“Daddy why did you have to leave now… why didn't you wait for me to get married, why?” she blubbered. Her mother came to her side wrapping her arms around her, trying to comfort her.
“It's okay honey, stop crying.” her mother said with a hoarse voice. She too has been crying. Nicole and her mum stepped back as the nurse came to cover him back.
    Nicole rested her head on her mother's shoulder while her mother patted her back as they walked out of the hospital.
“It's okay, honey. I am here for you.” her mother said to her stifling a sob.
“I am angry mom, I am angry because I wasn't here for him, I couldn't hear him speak his last words.”
“Me too, it was the doctor who informed me about his death and I took a commercial bus all the way down here. Your father won't be angry Nikky, remember how happy he was before he died.” her mother said as she touched Nicole's face. Nicole shook her head still dazed at what had happened, she wished everything was just a bad dream. She walked to her car, opened the door and sat on the driver seat, starring into space. Her mother sat at the passengers seat holding her hand, rubbing it. She was trying her best to be strong for her daughter.
“Nikky, as he is dead doesn't erase his memory from our minds, it's going to stay with us forever, okay?” her mother said. “Let's think of the good memories of your father.” her mother said as she brought out a handkerchief from her bag dabbing her tears.
“I still can't believe dad is dead even after seeing him lifeless in the montuary.” Nicole blubbered.
“He has to rest Nicole,  it has been six years since he has been battling with Lymphoma cancer.”
“But not without saying goodbye.” Nicole sniffled, her eyes were swollen and red.
“It's better this way.”
“Is not!” she cried.
“Remember mama is still here for you. I can remember vividly what your father used to say, when you cry, you've accepted defeat, but a little smile can…”
“Change the whole world.” Nicole concluded and chuckled sadly.
“Exactly!” her mother laughed, hugging her. Nicole closed her eyes tightly, a tear rolled down her face wetting her mother's dress as she rested her chin on her mother's shoulder.
“I miss him.” she muttered.
“We will miss him, honey.” her mother said.

       ☬            ☬           ☬

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust” the priest said as the pallbearer lowered the casket to the ground, family members of Nicole threw dust on the casket six feet under to bury the coffin. Everyone one was clothed in white. Nicole rested her head on her mother's shoulder as she wept, her mother also crying too. Neil also attended the funeral with his wife. Everyone departed after the funeral service was over, leaving Nicole and her mother alone.
“I guess it was your father's decision to be buried in a Christian way.” Nicole's mother told her.
“He deserves the best.” Nicole said as they walked to a bench near the graveside to sit.
“Nicole!” Nicole eyes widened as she saw Alfred walking to where she and her mother sat.
“Good afternoon, you must be Nicole's mother?” Alfred greeted.
“Yes and you are Alfred, I guess?” Nicole's mother shook him.
“Yes, nice to meet you ma'am. I am so sorry for your loss.  Actually, Eunice told me what happened when I wanted to buy some foodstuffs, so she described the location to me and I came rushing here.” he said.
“Thank you,” Nicole mother stood up from where she sat. “I'll give you two some alone time.” she said and walked to the car to wait for Nicole.
“So how are you?” Alfred said as he sat beside her.
“Terrible.” Nicole muttered, looking away from him.
“I am so sorry for not being by your side when all this was happening.” he said as he crinkled his forehead.
“What would you have done? you wouldn't have been able to bring him back, all the same I really appreciate your concern and thanks for coming.” she smiled bleakly.
“Sometimes, things just happen even when we are not expecting it,” Alfred said after a prolonged silence. “I know the feeling of losing someone because I've experienced it. Everytime I go to the cemetery with a bouquet in my hand to drop on my parents grave, the pain of their death surfaces again like as if it was yesterday but you just have to let go… let go of the ugly past, let go of the things you wished you never did because the bright future which we think is far away is closer than we think.”  Alfred said and took her hand in his. “Try to forget Nicole even if it's hard too. That's what I'm doing, to forget about the past and start a new life.”
“How can I forget about someone who cared about me, who gave me the right advice when I needed one, who pushed me in the right direction when I was going the wrong way, how?” she said tears trickling down her cheeks.
“By opening another chapter of your life and closing the old one. I know it's not easy, but just try.”
Nicole sighed and rested her head on his strong broad shoulder. Alfred wrapped his arms around her stroking her black curly hair and kissed it.
“So I guess our next date is cancelled?” he whispered
“Cancelled? No! Never!” she laughed faintly.
“I love you, Nicole.” he said to her surprise.
“I love you too.” she said blushing.

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