||03|| Under your nose

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*Use the picture above as reference later on*

Oakley POV


That's the number I read above my apartment doorbell as I shoved my key in the lock, twisting it and pushing it open.

I know it was nearly eight in the morning but I'm pretty sure that the moans coming from my roommate's room when I opened the front door weren't a figure of my sleep-deprived imagination.

Loud cries and skin smacking against each other echoed through the house as I laughed, walking into the living room and placing my purse on the coffee table.

"Sugar, yes!" I heard Olivia–my roommate– yell.

I snorted; it looks like I wasn't the only one with an eventful morning.

Olivia and I had met on the plane when I flew to NYC, she sat beside me on it. A baby on the plane had been crying for an hour straight and all I was thinking of was how I wanted to throw the baby out the window and when Olivia turned her head to tell me how she wanted to throw the baby out the window, she's been at my side ever since.

"Yes, harder!" I heard her cry through the door.

I muffled my laugh against my hand as I quietly walked towards her door and leaned against the door frame, listening to consecutive moans, squeals, grunts, claps, and finally the sound of Olivia hitting her high several minutes later.

I turned her doorknob, entering in with slow clapping. Olivia was flat on her bed, the guy laying on top of her back like a slice of ham. The smell of sex slapping me in the face.

"Great performance, truly," I said, with a compressed grin. I walked to the window and slid the curtains to the side, the sun beaming through

Olivia jolted up, pushing the guy off her back who turned around, covered in sweat and panting as if he just ran thirty miles. He was definitely older than I expected him to be, at least in his late twenties.

"Oakley, what the fuck! You couldn't knock?" She whined, pulling at the sheets and throwing one over the man, and walking over to grab her panties from the floor. She and I haven't had a problem with seeing each other naked, we were roommates after all.

Suddenly, the guy made brief eye contact with me before he sprained up, scooping his clothes from off the floor, and ran out of the apartment in a hurry. My eyes followed him as the front door shut, then went back to Olivia.

"What was that about?" I asked. "Am I really that frightening?" I put a hand on my heart as if it hurt me.

She shrugged, "I don't know, maybe he didn't like getting walked in on. I guess it beats having to kick him out."

"Hey, I waited until you finished, give me a little credit," I said, and she rolled her eyes as she clipped her bra on.

"Actually, I was getting bored, so I faked it." She sighed. "His game was ass."

I laughed, "I can't relate. I met this guy yesterday at a bar, and when I tell you he was some sort of mysterious, dangerous, rich guy with a nice fucking body and car, I'm not kidding."

"Looks like you had more fun than I did," She wiggled her eyebrows as she lifted her shirt over her head. "How do you keep finding the good ones?"

"I don't know, but you won't believe this shit–" I went to sit on her bed but she stopped me.

"I wouldn't sit on those sheets if I were you," She warned, and I stood up, realizing she was right. "And pass those to me," She pointed at her leggings across the floor and I rolled my eyes but walked towards them.

"You remember the bullet I carry around and the words on it, right?" I asked her.

"Yes, Oakley. How could I forget? It's the only thing you talk about."

"Well, I need you to come with me somewhere. I found a lead." I picked up her leggings and walked back to hand them to her.

"A lead? You mean a lead to your parents' murders?" She grabbed the leggings out of my hand and slipped them on, walking out the bathroom to fix the mess of blond hair on her head.

I told her about August's card I found in his wallet and how he and I had gone back and forth pointing guns at each other before he told me where the card came from. It was a small detail but it was the only thing that's ever hinted towards the people that killed my parents.

"You weren't joking when you said mysterious and dangerous, huh?"

"Nope." I walked out of the bathroom to the living room coffee table and knelt, lifting my purse off of it.

"And a shooting range? Are you sure he was telling you the truth? I mean, how would that help you find the woman?" Olivia asked.

"Well, I didn't really want to do twenty questions with him considering he had a fucking gun pointed to my head, Liv. But he had bullets with the same engraves so I'm just taking his word. Besides, it's only an hour away. But first," I started, pressing a button under the wooden coffee table.

A puff of air released from the slit in the center of the table and began to pull apart into two doors, revealing a compartment full of guns, knives, bullets, and shells.

I looked up at Olivia with a smirk on my face as I watched her mouth drop through the floor while she knelt beside me, grazing her hands across the guns. I may have forgotten to tell her about this new addition to the apartment I got when we first arrived.

But Olivia had grown up in a poor–and one of the most dangerous–neighborhoods in Texas. Her dad had trained her to protect herself with guns and other weapons, because being the pretty blond Olivia is, she was always at risk of being a target. She lived a life with guns and had occasionally taken lives to save her own.

So yeah, guns weren't new to her, she liked them. Which is exactly why she's my partner in crime.

"Oakley, holy shit! When did you get this?" She exclaimed.

"Like a year ago; I needed somewhere to add the new guns after I had to scrap the others so I could actually get on the plane without getting... you know... arrested."

After my parent's death, I had no other family. The older lady that found me, Bea, had adopted me instead of letting me go into the foster care system. I wasn't fully crazy about it but once I found out she was okay with me practicing my shooting in her backyard in Washington, I was pretty okay with it.

She became my only family. Until I turned 18 and set off to New York the next day, easing the voice in my head that consistently told me to avenge my parents, since the justice system failed to do so.

Not a surprise that a woman has to take matters into her own hands in this country.

"What are you expecting to find? That Val woman working there and then what? Blow her brains out?"

I lifted one of the AR's out of the slot into the air and blew on it, "I'm going to find her just like she told me to, get her to tell me where the other people she worked with are, preferably the guy who pulled the trigger, then I'll blow her brains out."

Olivia and I looked at each other for a moment before she shrugged, "Fuck it, I'm down."


This chapter is pretty short but I wanted to drop one today so here ya go. The next chapter will be eventful! With that said, how do you guys like Olivia?

Don't forget to vote, it's greatly appreciated and it helps me out a lot! Thanks for reading.

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