||05|| Bodies drop

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Oakleys POV

My gaze doesn't leave Vals, her face being the same one that hovered over mine ten years ago. I raised my gun and pointed it towards her.

"Olivia shut the door," I ordered Olivia, and I heard the door close behind me.

The small house was dim, the light above the counter illuminating Val's face as she sipped her glass of wine. She was much older, as expected, since the last time I saw her.

"How did you know we were coming?" I asked, my gun still pointed at her. "How do you know my name?" 

"I assumed you would have questions for me after all these years. I almost thought you wouldn't be able to find me with just the bullet. You've proven you're just as smart as I thought." She said waving a hand out to a seat across the counter, "Come sit."

"I don't want to fucking sit! I want answers." I exclaimed, breathing through my teeth.

"The place you went to and stabbed poor Judy in the hand, that wasn't any old shooting range. It's a cover-up, a decoy. She informed me of your arrival just after you left," She explained as I slowly walked towards her, my gun still locked onto her head just in case she tries anything stupid.

"A cover-up for what?" I asked with hostility.

"The Mafia, of course," She answered.

"The Mafia?" Olivia gasped behind me, her voice pitching with interest. "I only heard about those in movies, I didn't actually think–"

I turned to her with fire in my eyes, "Liv, shut up." I pressed and she pressed her lips together.

"Yes, the Mafia. There are several ones here in New York but only two that are the most... how should I say this... Dominant. The uptown Mafia, who we call Mafia Dynemo. And the downtown is where Mafia Salvo does their deeds."

"Salvo, as in Salvo Inn?" I asked.

"Precisely, the Inn is what we call our underground system hidden right underneath the shooting range."

There was so much to think about, so many questions I wanted to ask but playing 20 questions isn't what I came here for.

"You were a part of my parents' shooting. I want to know who you were working with. Who pulled the trigger, and where are they?" I demanded.

But all she did was laugh, a low throaty chuckle as if she were mocking me.

I tighten my grip on my gun, "I don't remember making a fucking joke! So you either answer my questions or take a bullet to the head."

"You sure are just like your father," She said getting up, "Stubborn and bloody-minded."

I clicked back the safety on the gun and began walking towards her, "Say one more thing about him and I swear to God–" My voice cracked and my throat burned from the tears I was holding back just thinking of my Dad.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned to see Olivia, silently telling me to calm down. I inhaled before speaking again.

"You killed him, you and that guy and whoever was in the car with you both. You all should be dead, and I won't stop until I put a bullet through each of your heads."

"I didn't kill him–"

"You were a part of it! Which makes you just as accusable."

"'Allow me to make it up to you. I'll tell you where to find the person who pulled the trigger."

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