||10|| Helpless

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August POV

"Angel, you know damn well you won't shoot me, so put the gun down and get from the front of the car," I shouted through the car window. "Or I'll run you over."

Oakley was standing ahead of the car, her gun pointed at the front window.

"I said I wanted to drive," She cocked her eyebrow up. "And don't underestimate me, you'd be surprised."

I sighed through my nose; fuck, I can't wait to get her off of my watch. She's more annoying than a child. I've never met a woman like her, so stubborn and unfazed.

I pushed my door open and swung my legs over to the ground and got out. I watched as Oakley lowered her gun and put it back under her dress. She smirked and slowly made her way towards me, her hand sliding against my car as she did so.

I wonder if she knows the potential she has, or at least would have had if she had grown up with the mafia. I didn't know her father personally, I was twelve years old when he was assassinated, but Oakley would still be next in line to lead if she hadn't gone missing. She is a Salvo after all.

But what she doesn't know is the real reason behind his assasination.

But I got a feeling that information could spark more in her head than I wanted. She's unpredictable, and if she does the wrong things or says the wrong words, who knows what boss will do to her. I've seen lives get taken in clear daylight for just that reason.

And since I gave her the address to the sanctuary, to begin with, I'm responsible for the things she does, so for now I'll leave it up to Boss to tell her what he wants her to know.

"That's what I thought," She hummed as she plucked the keys out of my hand and winked her green eyes at me.

"Shut up and get in the car."

I watched as she crawled in the car and settled down. I slammed the door behind her and circled the car, getting in on the other side.

The car engine rumbled as she twisted the key in the ignition, her eyes lit up in excitement, and I forced the smirk that played on my lip down. It was like seeing a bit of light sparkle in the Devil's eyes.

But after a moment of sitting in the driveway of the hospital, the excitement on her face dwindled with each second that passed.

My eyes flicked down to her hands on the leather wheel, her knuckles were white from the tight grip she had on it.

"Are you going to drive or do you want a countdown?" I asked, humor lacing my words.

No sly remark followed back like I expected. Instead, her eyes were trained on the wheel. I furrowed my brows in confusion, sitting up in the chair to get a better look at her. The once rosey cheeks I caressed not even thirty minutes ago, were now paler than snow.


A car passed by us, the headlight shining off her glistening eyes filled with tears.

I went to touch her thigh and just as my finger grazed her skin, she jumped aggressively. Her hands flew off of the wheel and a grunt came from her throat. She was shaking now, her hands trembling like we were in the middle of the arctic.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed. She began to hyperventilate, sharply inhaling and exhaling as she pulled her feet up on the seat and backed away from my hand.

My chest tightened as I raised my hands away from her.

"Are you alright?" I asked quickly, something was wrong, and I haven't a clue what it is.

"Let me out, just let me out! Let me out," She repeated over and over again. Streams of tears, that resembled rivers rolling down her face, smeared her mascara as she twisted and turned uncomfortable in the chair.

I quickly pushed my door open and ran over to her side and pulled at her door.

If I wasn't quick enough with my hands she would've fallen on the floor once I opened the door, but I bent down and caught her. She twisted in my hands wailing and crying to let go of her.

"Oakley! Do you need to go to the hospital? Is something wrong? We aren't far," I said, panic dripping off of my voice as I kneeled on the ground, setting her down against my car. Her eyes were shut tight as she weeped.

"Let go of— of me," Is all she cried, her body jolting with every sob she let out. I did as she said, releasing my hands from her arms and sat on the road beside her. Her hands flew to her ears and she covered them as I watched her cry in silence.

I didn't know what to think or do but sit and let her go through whatever it was she was going through. I never thought I'd see her this vulnerable before, or ever for that matter. And as I stare at her, her eyes still shut and her hands over her ears, blocking out the loud night noises of New York City, she looked more like the eighteen-year-old girl she is than ever before.

My eyes stayed on her for the entirety of the time we sat there, never leaving her sight not even to turn the car off.

I don't know how long we sat there for, but I'd say about an hour or two passed before she laid over on the sidewalk and fell asleep beside my car.

I let her fall completely asleep before I got up and walked over to her sliding my hands under her back and legs, my hands scraping the hard concrete as I lifted her up in my arms. She twisted slightly and groaned, but didn't wake.

"Don't worry, Angel, I got you." I muttered.

I bent down to pull the back door open and slowly laid her down on the leather of my car seats. Before pulling myself out of the car I stopped to examine her face. Wrinkles were creased on her forehead and a frown was plastered on her lips.

What was it that happened, what was it that made her fear so terribly? I couldn't help but get angry at myself for not knowing the answer. For some reason, I feel like I should know.

I never found myself as helpless as I was in this situation, and I hated it.

I let out a breath through my nose and brushed my fingers against her temple, pushing back a strand of brown hair from her face. Her nose twitched slightly.

My eyes lowered to my car seat and spotted the hole in it. The hole she created the first day we met when she nearly shot my dick off.

I laughed softly at the memory as my fingers grazed over the hole and shook my head.


My plan, before Oakley had gone through--what I assume was-- a panic attack was to take her straight to the sanctuary. But instead I drove us to my apartment located in lower manhattan.

After carrying her all the way up to the top floor of the building complex where my apartment is located, I placed her down in my bed. I sat down next to her feet and carefully slipped off her heels, placing them beside the bed alongside her purse.

I found myself feeling a hint of pity for her, for the way she grew up, and the life she lived and will continue to live if she stays working in the mafia.

Just a hint. Enough to push aside the irritation she brings me for a little while. Once she wakes up I'm sure she'll remind me just how much I dislike her.

I got in the bed beside her after stripping down to my boxers and faced the mirror above the bed.

Oakley was curved into a backwards C beside me, sleeping peacefully. And with that, I finally closed my eyes, already thinking about what tomorrow will bring.


This chapter was more of August inner monologue and thoughts. More on the sad side of things with what Oakley just experienced. How'd you like it?

Sorry for the slow updates, been so busy with celebrations and stuff this week I found it hard to slip in an update. I may make a schedule for posting, idk.

Anyways, don't forget to Vote, comment, and follow if you haven't already!

-Kayla <3

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