||33|| Letter

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[A/N]: I never do author's notes first but I think it's needed so I can APOLOGIZE FOR THE WAIT. SO sorry, it took me a month, but the rest of this book is now posted, have fun babes. <3 thank you for sticking around.


Oakley POV

There was a moment in my life when I thought my future was would never come. That the life I pence lived was to be my demise.

But somehow, I found myself in a car with my future father of my child, rich beyond anything I could've wished for, and living the legacy my father built after killing his assassin.

And how the fuck did I manage to do that?

Some will call it luck. But I'd call it being driven by vengeance.

I step off the plane, my heel hitting the concrete ground. The sunbeams bright, considering it's an hour past noon.

In front of me, about a dozen or so men dressed in black attire filed in uniformed lines cause my shoulders to stiffen. I let go of August's hand, my eyebrow rising in question.

From the looks on their faces, I know this isn't just a ''meeting with the boss after her flight' sort of thing.

There's something wrong.

August meets me at my side, putting his tense hand on the small of my back, and I feel him begin to speak but I put a hand up to quiet him. If they're ever going to respect me, I have to play my part as their queen.

I turn to August, "Do you know about any of this?" I whisper.

He shakes his head, "No, I had other plans but they clearly need your attention."

I sigh, turning back to face my men, "What's going on?" I ask sternly.

One of the men that I barely recognize steps out from the left row. He's tall as most of them, broad shoulders with pin-straight posture, "Mathew has gone missing while you were away, boss," He says, causing me to swallow hard as I comprehend his words. "He's taken millions out of his bank account along with him, and left you this."

His hand motions to dig in his pocket and just as he does, Thomas and August simultaneously step in front of me causing him to halt his movement.

I smirk. My own personal bodyguards protect me from my bodyguards. How ironic.

August puts his hand on his gun handle poking out the back of his pants. "I'd be careful with you're movement if I were you," He warns.

The guard slowly pulls a slip of paper out of his pockets, his eyes on August the entire time, with his other hand high and visible.

August takes the paper a bit more aggressively than needed and opens it. I observe his face as his eyes scan down the sheet of paper, a letter, no doubt. But of what is what makes my cold run cold. Mathew is a dangerously powerful man. He has people everywhere and being that he was once head of Salvo, that power doesn't just vanish.

August's body stiffens as he turns to face me.

"What does it say?" I ask.

He hands me the letter, rubbing a hand down his face. I take it from him and turn around as I read it, balling my free hand into a fist to stop it from shaking from nerves.

To my precious niece,

You never fail to amaze me, Oakley. You are, without a doubt, your father's daughter. His leadership, and bravery. But look where that has gotten him. Dead. You have taken everything from me the second you stepped foot in New York. You and that pathetic man at your side who I foolishly trusted. There can only be one person in power, and for now, that person is you. But I'm not gone. No. I'm much closer than you think. With eyes in places, you'd never expect. And when the time is right, maybe one, five, or even eighteen years from now after you've had your little fun in power, you'll see me again. Whether you end up buried beside my brother is solely up to you. I'd watch your back and the people you cherish most if I were you because you'll never know when things just might go... off—

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