||27|| Recuperating

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Chapter song: Jar Of Hearts by Christina Perri

August POV

This is either the best idea I've managed to put together or the worst one.

And right now, from the look on Oakley's face, I'm going with the latter.

Kneeling, only around five feet away from her, I hold a wedding ring. If I was asked how and where I wanted to propose, this definitely wouldn't be the answer.

The room is filled with a heavy silence, Oakley glaring down at me with emotions written on her face that I can't decipher. But happy doesn't look like one of them. And my mind can't help but flashback to the moment I've seen her happiest, in my bed, watching me slide my Creed ring on her finger. God, I fucked up. I fucked up bad.

Oakley looks around the room and I wonder what's running through that head of hers. I needed her attention, I needed her to hear what I have to say.

She walks closer to me, looking at the ring then back at me. "Get up," she whispers before turning around to the crowd who quietly gossips to each other. I lower the ring rising to my feet behind her. Attention obtained.

"I need to take care of this... mistake," She says, glaring being her shoulder at me then back. Her gaze shifts to Axel, his face bloody and eye purple.

Serves him right for kissing her. It was a rage I couldn't control, another man's lips were on hers. Another man's hands were on her. I couldn't watch it happen, the selfishness in me taking over. I have no right to feel the jealousy, but I had.

"Someone, get him back to health, bandages, ice, whatever the fuck he needs, get it for him." Oakley orders. She turns to the stage in the front and points a pointed black nail at the singer, "And you, continue with your lovely voice, will you?"

The woman nods. A moment later the music starts up, the singing begins, and several people go to check up on Axel. The rest talking amongst themselves and spreading out.

It's like she truly was made to lead and give orders, not even half an hour in of being the queen as she calls herself, and she's thriving in the position. Glowing like the queen I've always known she was. And flourishing like the Angel I've seen her as since the first day I met her.

That day feels so long ago now, almost a month ago.

Oakley turns to face me, her fierce green eyes burning through mine. I lick my lips before going to talk but she starts to walk away, pulling my wrist along with her.

She leads us through the crowd, several men and women quickly moving out her way and nodding as she approaches a staircase at the end of the room. Walking up to the second floor, we enter the room closest to us.

She shuts the door dropping my hand violently, "What the fuck what that, August?"

I slip the ring box in my jacket pocket and sigh, "I needed to talk to you—"

"So you fucking propose!?" Her voice raises an octave as she shouts. "Are you out of your god damn mind?" She paces back and forth, grabbing the roots of her hair and taking deep breaths. She doesn't know the full story. And nows my chance to tell her it all like I should've from the beginning.

"It was the only way I know you'd listen instead of shooting me the first chance you get," I say stepping a bit close to her. She backs up.

"If I wanted you dead, you would've been dead; lying beside Apolo in that warehouse." I was sure she was going to shoot me then, I had watched her finger tremble on the trigger, only a swift motion away from taking my life. But she hadn't. And I still have no idea why. It only makes me wonder if we ever have a chance again despite what I've done to her.

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