||11|| Her Wings

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Oakley POV

The aching pulse shooting through my head shifted me awake. The shine of the warm sun beamed at my back and the pillow below me was hard.

Too hard...

Oh no.

I shot my eyes open, not moving. My location was undetermined, it was some sort of expensive apartment considering the gigantic room. There was a couch set and a large flat-screen TV hanging off the wall in the same room as the bed I lay in.

I lowered my eyes to the set of abs connected to the body I was laying on. I ripped my cheek off of his chest, the chest I've seen before. Below me was August, his eyes shut and his brown lips parted slightly.

His hand was under his head, causing his muscles to flex. My eyes lowered to his torso and they couldn't help but trace every curve and indent of his abs.

"You can take a picture, it'll last longer." August's voice caused me to jump slightly, but I rolled my eyes and scoffed soon after.


I turned, pulling the white comforter off of me to get out of the bed when fingers wrapped around my wrist.

I tried yanking away but his grip was stronger than handcuffs. Must be a strength learned from being in the mafia.

"What do you want?" I said, turning to face him.

"I want to know what happened."

I froze for a moment as his eyes searched mine but I shifted my gaze across the room to the large window that displayed the buildings of New York City.

It all started to fill in, the events of last night. I shut my eyes, embarrassed that August had witnessed the entire thing. The only person to ever see my panic attacks is Bea. The last time I had one was when I was twelve, four years after my parents died. It stopped randomly, until now.

Since then I was clear of them. But it was something about being in that car, in the driver's seat with August who's a part of the same mafia my dad was. For a moment then, I was eight again, in the back seat of my dad's car with glass shattering above me, screaming. I was only grateful the dreams hadn't returned as well.

"None of your business," Is all I said. My throat was tight, tears scratching at the back of it.

"I had a feeling you wouldn't tell me. And you don't have to if you don't want to. But..." he trailed off, his eyes searching mine, "Just know that you can." The caring words sounded foreign coming off his lips.

I raised my eyebrow, his compliancy being unexpected but appreciated. I nodded and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"I'm guessing this isn't the sanctuary?" I said, changing the subject. "If it is, it's an amazing fucking secret meeting place.

He sighed, and let go of my hand, "No, this is my apartment. I thought I'd bring you here before we go to the sanctuary to let you... sleep things off."

I looked down at the floor at my heels that he must've taken off for me.

He was being nice, why? There must be some reason, something he wants. There's always a reason.

I stood to my feet, "What do you want from me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

He swung his legs to the side of the bed and stared at me as he stood up. I force my eyes to turn away from his boxers. "What are you talking about? I don't want anything from you."

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