||25|| Cope

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Oakley POV

I dug my stiletto heel into the center of his pants.

A deafening scream filled Slasher's basement.

I twisted my heel carving it deeper into him, then lifted my foot, sending it crashing into his jaw. Blood splattered on the wall beside us.

"You fucking bitch!" Wilson howled.

Huffing, I lowered my heel to the ground bending down to meet his eye level. The skin around his eyes was purple, swollen with bloodshot eyes. Blood oozed from his mouth down the gash on his chin.

I had gotten Axel to strip him down to his boxers, handcuff his hands behind him, and then tie his feet together.

"You all seem to think I'm someone you can get over on." A flat laugh left my throat as I raised a blade that I borrowed from Slasher-- who currently stands in the corner of the room. A basement he uses as some sort of knife sharpening place.

I applied pressure and dug the tip of it in his throat. He let out a throaty cry.

"I've been nice. I've been. So. Fucking. Nice." I dragged the blade slowly across his skin, not deep enough to truly kill him. Yet. "Apolo got it easy. He didn't get to see and feel what I felt when he killed my parents. He got a quick way out." Blood dripped down Wilson's hairy chest that was covered in dried blood, bruises, and cuts.

"But you," I started, "I guess you'll have to make up for it."

"My mafia will find you." He gritted through his teeth, "They will come after you and end your prissy ass." He spat blood on the floor.

"Do you think I'm dumb?" I asked, standing back up.

He stood quiet.

Suit yourself.

I bent over sending the knife straight into his thigh. He screamed, loudly. Drops of spit sprayed out of his mouth as he barred his teeth. Veins popped out of his throat and his skin glowed a scarlet red.

"I don't know if you remember how questions work. But it goes like this," I twisted the knife in his thigh, "I ask something. And you answer me. Got it?"

His chest heaved quickly, "Yes yes! Fucking hell! You piece of fucking shit!" He bellowed.

"Now that that's covered. Lets try this again. Do you think I'm dumb?"


I ripped the knife out of his leg, blood oozed out instantly, collecting in a pile on the cold concrete floor.

It's been a week since what happened with Apolo. A week since August's... betrayal. I had gone home, to my home with Olivia. Pathetically crying and feeling sorry for myself was all I did.

I didn't eat or drink. Only stared at the wall for hours. I was sick for what felt like days.

It is the lowest I've felt in years. Topping the hurt I felt when my parents died. I blamed and still do blame myself for being so trusting. For letting myself love again, just for my heart to get ripped out when I least expected it.

The guys came around to check on me but I stayed in my room, with tears streaming down my face.

I hadn't even let Olivia in.

August had called several times. I didn't answer him, needless to say. I had turned my phone off. He knew better than to visit me after the shit he tried to pull off. We had left him at the wearhouse that day. The guys hadn't known of his plan to hand me over to Apolo and ever since they found out, they haven't been at his side.

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