||09|| Meaningless, yet purposeful*

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Oakley POV

After my speech about having August being wrapped around my finger, it seemed to fire him up, in more than one way.

Stumbling down the hallway, August pulled me along by my wrist, his grip tight. He had taken off his suit jacket, leaving him in only a button-up white dress shirt. I could see the muscles in his back flex through the thin material as he walked. I can't say I didn't how he'd respond this way.

He came to a halt, snapping me out of my gaze with his back, and spun around to face me. His hand roughly went to my waist, pushing me against his hard chest. We gazed at each other in silence for a moment.

I shouldn't keep doing this with him, too much sex starts making people think it's more than just sex.

When that's exactly what it is.

Just sex.

But as his dark eyes searched mine, I found that I was losing myself in them.

He pushed open a door behind me and we entered a bathroom. It was a singular bathroom, a decent amount of space; or at least enough space for what we're about to do. I've done it in smaller spaces than this to be fair.

August hadn't broken eye contact with me as the door shut behind him. His other hand glided up my body, caressing my thigh and sliding up my waist until he reached my throat. A line of fire was left behind on my skin where his hand trailed.

I hate him. I hated him for threatening to kill Olivia at Val's house, I hate his smug personality and I hate him for stopping me from shooting Apolo.

But I love the way he makes my body feel.

And I hate that I love it.

I closed my eyes and inhaled to try to hide the effect he's having on me. Don't want to add fuel to his already burning ego.

"You annoy me," He breathed. I open my eyes, his head was low and his lips brushed against my jawline as he spoke.

"You're annoyed I'm not afraid of you, any of you," I muttered, swallowing. His thin layer of hair on his cheeks brushed against my chin. He aggressively sucked on my neck, my breath hitched at his actions.

He lifted his head, "I got to say, you've surprised me, Oakley. And I'm not easily surprised."

"Look at you, calling me by my name. Am I no longer an angel?" I smirked. He pressed my back against the sink, and in a swift motion, bent down to lift me on it. My thighs sat on the cold iron. His hands rested at the side of my hips as he pushed his body between my legs.

"I thought you didn't like that name." He hummed against my ear, his voice low and coarse.

I shrugged, "I don't like you either, yet here I am."

He began to trail his lips up to my neck, his warm tongue grazing my skin with each kiss. Every time our skin came in contact a shiver went down my spine; I slid my hands over his shoulders, leaning my head back.

His lips lifted off of my jaw and moved towards my own lips. I snapped my head to the side, putting my finger on his mouth. My black-painted nail tapped against his full lips.

"Don't even try it," I warned him, shaking my head.

"And why not?" He asked, bringing my hand down with his.

"Kissing is a couples thing." His thick eyebrow raised at my words. "And I don't do relationships. I'm doing you a favor. When I let men kiss me they start to catch feelings, and then boom... they'll never see me again..."

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