||22|| Collisions

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Oakley POV

Pain spiked throughout every inch of my body.

Am I even alive? It feels like I'm in front of the gateway to heaven.

I turn over on the ground, rolling in glass shards. Maybe I should've listened to August when he said my outfit wasn't cut out for the mission. Because now my legs were covered in scratches, cuts, and burns.

But I was okay. No more hurt than August, so there's no time to feel sorry for myself.

I feel a sharp pain in my left shin and I lift myself, despite my aching back to see a long gash along the side of my leg. Fucking wonderful.

An orange tint colored the surrounding area from the flaming mansion in front of me. The guy that stabbed August surely got what he fucking deserved.


Ignoring the pulsing pain, I quickly rise to my feet, nearly collapsing back down. A coughing spree begins, my throat feeling like I swallowed cardboard. I spot Axel and Caleb laying on the floor not too far from me.

I limp to them, my hand holding onto my hip. Axel groaned. He's alive, thank God. But Caleb was still on the ground.

I dropped to the floor beside him, my hands still shaking and my breath unsteady. I shook his shoulders, "Caleb," I coughed. He didn't wake.

Please be alive. For Olivia's sake, and August's. He loves this guy, even though he'd never admit it.

"Caleb wake the fuck up, please!" I shout. Axel looks up at us from the ground, a gash on his cheek. And from where we parked the car, I hear Slasher call out to us. I couldn't decipher his words from the thousands of thoughts that flood my head. August must be in the back. He needs to get help, now.

I made a split decision to slap Caleb across the face with as much power I could gather in my arm.

It drained me but it didn't matter because I see the dirty-faced boy on the floor gasping for air at impact. His eyes shot open, panting rapidly. I sighed in relief.

"Did you just slap me?" Betrayal crossed his expression, then surprise.

"Holy fuck, was I dead?" His injuries were clearly not as bad as mine, he's still the slow individual I've come to know.

"We need to get to the car; to August." I let out, ignoring his idiotic questions.

The sound of police sirens echoes through the air, along with another explosion in the mansion behind us. Shitshitshit.

We need to get the hell out of here.

Caleb's eyes widen as he hears the police sirens and scrambles to his feet. Axel does the same and they both come at my side, practically lifting me off my feet to the car.

When I get to the car I see August leaning against the opposite door in the back seat and my heart goes heavy. Slasher leaves his side so I could take over.

I quickly crawl in beside him, my heart pulling out of my chest at the sight of a soaked rag that sits under his leather jacket.

From the driver's seat Slasher speaks, "Press down on that cut, brat." Oddly, his insult makes me feel calmer. And I do as he said.

Slasher pulls out of the gated area, Caleb beside me and Axel in the seat next to Slasher. We began zipping down the street.

I turn my attention to August, his eyes were closed but his chest was still faintly rising and falling.

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