Chapter: #1: "Help From the Heroes?"

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It's been a couple of months after the pros and a couple of heroes in training were able to rescue the little girl named Eri from the hands of Overhaul. The students of class 1A, along with the staff and the Big 3 of UA were making sure the little girl was in comfort.


The atmosphere in Class 1A was busy and noisy. Eraserhead was no where to be found, and class was supposed to start 5 minutes ago. Aizawa was never late. Things were getting chaotic already, everyone doing their own thing. Bakugo was antagonizing Deku, Kirishima tried to keep Bakugo from killing anyone.

"STUPID DEKU! DIE!" yelled Bakugo so loud, classes down the hall could probably hear him

"Kachaan, please-" cried Deku


Kirishima, showing no fear, tried to deescalate the situation."Bakubro you need to calm down first"

"Bakugo, stop this nonsense! This is very unhero-like!"

Suddenly, Aizawa comes into the class, looking over at the sea of students. His eyes start to glow ruby red, and his hair starts to float into the air. 

"I come late 5 minutes, and you guys are already killing each other." He says coldly

That was enough to catch the student's attention. 

"You guys are going to be the death of me. Get into your seats." He ordered.

The students quickly scrambled to their seats, not wanting to feel the wrath of the scary teacher. 

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa!" The class said in a monotoned voice. 

Of course, Eraserhead doesn't skip a beat and starts to explain the agenda for the day. Meanwhile, Kaminari was too busy thinking to himself as to why his teacher was late. That never happened, in the history of, well, it never happened. 

Kaminari leans towards Mina Ashido, who sits next to him and asks, "I wonder why Mr. Aizawa was late-"

"Kaminari! Why are you talking? Do you have something to share with the class?"Aizawa may look like a tired, non observent teacher who doesn't give a crap, which is true, but after all, he managed to become an underground hero.

"Uhh, no sir, sorry!"

"That's what I thought. As I was saying. I was late to class today because I received some information. In 3 weeks, a couple of the top pro heroes will be staying here for a week to help you guys with training. Those pros will include Miruko, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Mount Lady, and Edge Shot." 

The whole class is shocked to receive the news. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. But that wasn't the case for long. 

"Wait, are you for real? Woah that's so cool!" yelled Kirishima from his desk.

Aizawa, having no interest in the topic what-so-ever retorts: "Why would I be joking. Now, let's continue your academics, just because some pro heroes are coming, doesn't mean you can slack off."

No one was really able to pay attention because all they could think about is that the top heroes in the country would be visiting them, and not only that, but help them with training as well!

Soon after, school was finally done for the day. Kirishima, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kaminari, Mina walked from class together, heading towards the dorms.

"Can you believe it? Sure the internships were cool and all, but we get to see some of the coolest pros all in one room!" Says Kaminari excitedly. You could practically see the lighting in his eyes with all his excitement. 

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