Chapter 10: The Grand Finale~

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No One POV~

The old building had many different rooms, each filled with all sorts of weird things. Two guards were in the security room, monitoring everything that goes on within. Everything seems to be alright. They were on guard for almost 12 hours now, meaning they could leave soon. 

"Ow- huh? What the hell just hit me-?" The guard turned to face the other, who instantly fell on the ground. He quickly grabbed his gun, and carefully looked around the room.

"I have a gun. Come out now, and I'll think about not shooting you-" the man was also hit, in the neck, and fell down instantly, just like his coworker. The last thing he saw, was a rope hanging down from the vents.

"You know, it's really impolite to be rude to your guests. You'll learn next time." Daisuke slipped down from the rope, and moved to the side.

"Stop talking to dead people already, we have a job to do." He glanced up at Miruko, who was starting to come down as well. He rolled his eyes at her, and grabbed his microphone. As soon as Miruko came down, she did the same.

"Alright guys, we're in. You're good to come in." 

"Thank Miruko. We're doing good so far."

"We haven't even started, Eraserhead." 

"It's progress, and that's all that matters." While Miruko and Daisuke were in charge of clearing the security room, the rest were on standby in different positions around the building. If the security room is cleared, that means that they won't get caught as easily and quickly by whoever is operating in this place.

As Dabi was about to go into the building, he turned around and faced the teen who came along with them.

"You," he said pointing at him, "are staying here." The dual-eyed teen grimaced at him in anger.

"There's no way that-"

"I hate to agree with him, but it's better if you stay out here. You can be on the lookout in case anything happens. It will be safer for you here." Although it's still dangerous, it's better to not risk getting anyone else killed. Shoto reluctantly agrees, but just before Dabi enters the building, and not within range for anyone else to hear, Shoto says one last thing.

"You know, if you die, I doubt Fuyumi and Natsou will ever forgive you." He doesn't know for sure, but he's positive that Dabi is someone Shoto knew some while ago. And while this it's an obvious lie, he makes sure to know that he's expecting Dabi to return, alive.

Dabi looks into Shoto's eyes, with his own deep, bright, ocean blue eyes, and says nothing. But through that glance, Shoto was finally able to confirm who Dabi really is.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel was still in the chamber where Bakugo was tied up. 

"Alright Katsuki Bakugo, we have some guests to greet." 

"Do you repeat my full name because you want me to know that you know it, or do you just like hearing the sound of your own voice?" Despite sounding confident, Bakugo was terrified the fuck out. He knew nothing about this man, but he knew everything about him. It was horribly similar to the time he was kidnapped last time, but he hopes that this time, he'll be rescued with no casualties. But then again, Bakugo would never admit any of this.

"Very amusing," Ezekiel said, turning his attention back to the door, "Now, I'm going to go, and you stay here. I'm sure your friends will eventually find you." This gave Bakugo a boost of confidence. He had a chance of finally getting out of here, after all the torture he had been put through.

"If you know they're going to find me, you might as well then give up. You're done for." He knows that every second he delays Ezekiel must be good for the others, but he knows that he's putting his life at risk as well. But, Ezekiel just looks back at him and gives him a smile, sending chills down his spine.

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