Chapter 9: "He Knows..."

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No One POV~

Dabi, Eraserhead, Daisuke, and Azumi were all on their way to Hawk's house. It was currently 1 AM, so there was almost nobody on the streets. The people who were paid no special attention to them as they were either drunk or they couldn't care less.

"Oh, by the way, I found the coordinates of Bakugo's location. It's the old commission's building where we were at, project 167." All of them turned and faced Azumi, with both impressed and pissed expressions.

"You seriously couldn't have said that earlier?!" Aizawa asked.

"Shut up, hero." Said Daisuke, giving Aizawa a glare.

"Apparently, it's closer to get there from here, than it is for us to walk all the way to Keigo's house." Said Dabi.

"Well, we can just tell Hawks to come straight to the building where Bakugo is being kept, right?"

"Don't we need a plan first, that's what you said before, didn't you?" Azumi asks the underground hero.

"We can think of one on the way there. My priority is that we get Bakugo out of there as soon as we can. So let's go."

"Whatever." Said Daisuke, rolling his eyes. 

"Alright then. I already texted him about the change of location." Dabi said, putting his phone away in the back pocket of his jeans.

"Well, I doubt he'll be happy to hear that," Azumi said, raising her eyebrows.

"It's fine, I'm sure he won't mind. I mean, he does it, so I can too, right?" He grins at the teal-haired girl who only sighs in response.

"Now come on, we have to save that little punk. The hero will scratch our eyeballs out if we don't." Said Dabi, casually pointing towards Aizawa.

"It is ironic though, you kidnapped him, and now you're helping to save him." Says Daisuke giving him a sly smile.

"That's exactly what Keigo said.," was the last thing Dabi said before they started walking once again, towards the not-so abandoned building.


After some time after arriving at the building, and being careful about not getting caught by some nearby guards, they were waiting for Hawks to arrive with additional help. They were waiting on the side of the abandoned building when they heard some faint voices of people talking.

"You said that you need help with something, I expected you to like I don't know, babysit your pet fish or whatever." 

"Why would you think that?! I don't even have a fish-"

"Shut up! Keep your voices down." Said the voice, assumed to be female.

"Whatever, why the hell are we going down this sketchy alleyway?"

"Yeah Hawks, it does seem like a sketchy place, aren't you supposed to be with your villain friend?"

"Yes, indeed I am." Said Hawks, as he Miruko, and Shoto Todoroki emerged from the darkness, coming face to face with the others. They all stared at each other from opposite sides.

"So, you really did bring Endeavor's youngest." Said Dabi in an annoyed voice.

"You did suggest it, even though it was sarcastic. I do think he'll be able to help us." 

The two men continued to stare at each other with stone-cold faces. Deep down, Hawks knew that there was nothing that could change his childhood best friend from who he is now. They both chose different paths, and they both changed over the course of 10 years. Dabi was now a cold-blooded serial killer, and there wasn't a reason that Hawks could find that he would actually agree to help. It was weird to him, the whole thing actually, but Hawks put that uneasiness away for the moment. Most likely, Dabi wanted to kill the people at the commission just as much as he did, and as for Daisuke and Azumi, they would do anything for Dabi and himself, so it was an obvious reason why they agreed.

Dabi turned his attention over to the teen boy who was trying his hardest not to do any sudden movements, and to stay calm.

"How do you think you're gonna help us, huh?" He asks, his eyes narrowing.

"Well, I do have a quirk, that somehow miraculously doesn't burn me to death." He replies with full sarcasm.

"Dude, what a burn~" Says Daisuke in Dabi's ear. He quickly slaps away the purple-haired guy. The slap was just a warning, nothing more.

"Whatever. Anyway, I have a plan on how we can do this, we just need to be careful though. If we screw this up, it's game over for us." Dabi says in full seriousness, which the others take point on and listen in.

"Here's what we need to do..."


"Wow, well I wasn't expecting this at all~" Said Ezekiel. He put his phone away and faces Bakugo. 

"Turns out, some of your friends are coming to help."

"Yeah, well those extras would obviously help." Said Bakugo, clenching his teeth. He too, was surprised his classmates or whoever would help rescue him again.

"No, it's not that. I didn't doubt that part." Ezekiel replied.

"Then what the hell do you mean then?"

"We were hoping to catch some people, or at least one of them, but turns out, they're all heading this way." Bakugo looked up confused.

"Eh? I thought you said I didn't know them-"

"Well, you knew one of them, but as it turns out, he brought his friends. I guess he found out about what he's up against."

"And that would be?"

"Ah, still asking the same question. Persistent as always. You see, dear Katsuki Bakugo," Ezekiel walked towards Bakugo and crouched down next to him.

"The Hero Commission." 

Bakugo's eyes widened and carefully looked at the man next to him. He was grinning at him, laughing at the horror that had fallen upon him. Bakugo wouldn't admit it, but he was obviously scared for his life. No, terrified. What has he done to deserve this?

"I could almost see the thoughts running through your mind. 'Why me?' 'What did I do to deserve this?' but let me tell you again. You're just a pawn in my game, and I'll do anything to get what I want, you can be sure of that. I don't care if you die, or live. The most important thing is that I get back my power." Bakugo looked up at the man, grinning manically. To say the truth, he was absolutely terrified. Yes, he's been kidnapped by villains, but now he's up against the Hero Commission, the type of people he trusts subconsciously.

"You're fucking sick-" 

"Some people might call me that, but I'd say I'm like any other person trying to get what they want. You just don't realize this. People like this are all around you, hell, a lot of heroes too!"

Ezekiel stands up and walks towards the door. 

"Get ready, Katsuki Bakugo, we're gonna go greet our guests."

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