Chapter 2: "Who are They...?"

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Author's Note: The Italics represent the text messages 

The next day...

POV: Shoto Todoroki

I woke up actually feeling like I'd slept long enough. I glanced at my phone, seeing that it was already 9:30. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs towards the kitchen, where I saw my older sister Fuyumi. She was the second oldest in my family. She had my father's blue eyes, and her hair was white with red streaks. She currently lived with my father and worked as a teacher. 

"Good morning, Sho, here's some breakfast." She said. I sat at the table, and watched her put some cold soba into a bowl. She placed the bowl on the table in front of me.

 "I have to be somewhere in a couple of minutes, so I'll go. I'll be back before 3, and Natsou should be here at noon. See you!" Just like that she left, leaving me alone in my house. My "father" was doing some things in his agency, meaning I could eat peacefully.

I start eating my soba, when my phone lit up. I picked it up, and saw that my class group chat was active, and since I had nothing better to do, I decided to see what had them up.

Kirishima- Heyyyy


Kirishima-Calm down Bakugo, Mina just wanted to invite us to hang out today!

Todoroki- Oh?

Mina- Yeah I did! Hey Todoroki, I'm surprised you answered so quickly!

Todoroki- I just happened to be on my phone.


Sero- Hey guys! Sorry, I can't hang out today, I'm spending the day at my parent's house.

Iida- Bakugo, please refrain from using that type of language. I, too, unfortunately, can't attend.

Mina: Looks like everyone else is asleep or can't attend. So, which ones of you can?

Kirishima: I can, I'm free after 12?

Todoroki: I guess I can come along as well.

Momo: Me and Jiro, and Kaminari will join you guys.

Deku: I can come as well!

Mina: Great, where do you guys wanna meet, since most of us aren't in the UA dorms.

Todoroki: Well let's just go to UA, and then figure out where we want to go.

Bakugo: Tch, I'll be there...

Mina: Yay, I knew you'd join Bakubabe!


Mina: Alright, see you guys there!

I set down the phone. I wasn't really planning on doing anything today, but I guess hanging out with my classmates wasn't too bad. I guess it would be nice to let down my guard for a while. I look over at Toya's shrine. The picture showed him wearing the commission uniform. I don't remember him that much, unlike Natsou and Fuyumi.

I decide to go get ready. It doesn't take me that much time, but since I had time to kill, I took my sweet time. Finally, I went downstairs and saw my older brother, Nastou, had just entered. He was my mother's exact copy. He had white hair and my mother's hazel brown eyes.

"Hey, look at you, where are you going?" He said to me, giving a slight hint of a smirk.

"Haha, very funny," I say. "I'm gonna go with some friends to hang out. I probably won't come back, I'll just go straight to the dorms."

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