Chapter 3: "Who Knows What They're Planning..."

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Hawks POV~

I woke up this morning by Endeavor yelling at me, like usual. He said something about burned victims again. Usually, I would have my sidekicks deal with this, but too many incidents like this have happened. It was around 5 AM, so I got ready, and started to fly to the scene. It's not too far from where I was, but it's a 15-minute flight.

I look towards the ground. I double-checked to see if the location was correct, but before I could even do that, I saw 2 of my sidekicks with what looked like piles and piles of ash. 

"So, what exactly happened?" They quickly turned around to face me.

"Oh uh, you're already here!" I had to stiffen a chuckle. Akio is a pretty powerful hero, having the quirk of location. He can basically see people through walls through heat, but even then he gets frightened pretty often, even if he hides it. I admit to doing this quite a few times, and yes it's a bit mean, but could you blame me?

"It's the third time this week. We found these people with these weird marks that look like diamonds on their faces, and they were stabbed. There were so many cases like this already, and we still can't find the person who is responsible for their deaths."

"Okay, do you know the identities of the people this mysterious person killed?" It's true, ever since the League Of Villians was formed, there were even more people who ended up in ashes.

"Well, other than the diamonds on their faces, there's nothing weirdly unusual about them. And as for their identities, they seem to be low-life thugs. You know, random criminals. Nothing too alarming." Himari answered this time. She as well had a pretty interesting quirk. She could find information on almost everyone if she had the requirements. Both of their quirks are best suited for stealth, so they're the perfect people for investigations like this.

"Alright, I see," Whoever this is, seems to be skillful. The only wound that seems to be on these people, other than being cremated, is a stab to the heart. Good aim, have to keep that in mind. They might be a part of the League, but I don't think anyone had encountered a person with this criteria. Maybe the individual hides it for who knows what reason.

"Well then, tell me if you find anything else about this case, and if you don't mind, keep it quiet."

"Got it, sir"

"Good, I'll be taking my leave then." I take off into the air, as see that the sun was already rising. It's already 6, and I have a meeting in 10 minutes. The location of that is 20 minutes away. They don't call me the Winged hero; too fast for his own good for nothing!


The meeting is pretty different than normally. Me, Miruko, Best Jeanist, EdgeShot, and Mt. Lady are there. Apparently, in 3 weeks, we'll have to stay In UA to help the heroes-in-training with their quirks and give them tips. Weird, we never had that in the Hero Commission program. To be fair we never really needed it either. All 100 of us were skilled as sasins basically fitted into 3 categories. The Low Elites, the Middle Elites, and the High Elites, and the Elites. Then there were 4 of us at the top, who controlled each group. Even the low Elites, who were mostly filled with the less experienced group were pretty strong, capable of beating hero rankers from the bottom to about 50.

"Alright, so I will be giving you some updates later about your stay at UA high school. That's it, you're dismissed."

Finally, the meeting was over. It's my duty to do the nightly patrols tonight, so I'm still hoping to catch some Z's.

"Hey, wait up!"

Miruko POV~

I hurry up to that idiot chicken. 

"Hm? Is it just me, or are you spending more and more time with me? Is it because of my charm?" Of course, that cocky bastard has the audacity to talk to me like that. He's like that a lot, and It might seem like I hate him, but in reality, we're really good friends.

I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right. I was just going to ask you if you wanted to grab a bite."

"Yeah sure. I know a great place."

We go to a nearby restaurant and order our food. Thankfully, we had our disguises on so nobody really crowded us or paid attention. But, being a full-sized chicken it's really hard for that idiot to be stealthy. For me, it's easier, and of course, I'm better at it too.

"Well, go ahead."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, so go ahead, get straight to the point." Great, he saw right through me.

"You know, you don't strike me as the intelligent and observant one, no offense-"

"-None taken."

"Right. I just wanted to ask what's up lately with you? You're usually so talkative and way more annoying." I grin, and he just rolls his eyes at me.

"Haha, very funny. I just... have a bad feeling about this."

"About what exactly?" His face suddenly turns serious. It's really unusual for him to act this way outside of villain attacks when it's a serious situation

"The whole thing of us coming to UA, I just find it so weird." Now, this is weird.

"Weird? How so, I mean there's nothing really out of the ordinary with a couple of the top heroes coming and helping future heroes-in-training."

"That's the thing that feels off to me. We are the top heroes, shouldn't we be worrying about other things like catching criminals? Besides, isn't that what teachers are for?" I always had a feeling that he knows that none of us other heroes know. Of course, that's true, he was raised by the commission from such an early age. I find that fact itself suspicious. Why would the commission take in a child? A child. Just one.

"It's only for a week-"

"Exactly, a week. Think about what could happen during that time, and beforehand. I'm just saying it doesn't sit right with me. Who knows what the Commission really might be planning." When he says this, he looks right directly into my eyes.

"Whatever you say." I start to get up from the booth. "I think you're just being paranoid. Sorry, but I have a patrol. I'll talk to you soon!"

As I leave the restaurant, waves of emotions start to flood me, for a reason I don't know. When he said that last part, he looked into my eyes as if to say something. I was never a fan of the organization of the Commission, I enjoy being free in what I do, something that Hawks, unfortunately, can't do. "Who knows what the Commission really might be planning..." Now that has me worried. I don't know what he means, but hopefully, it's nothing because I have some things to attend to.







Word count: 1172

Hello guys, sorry for not updating as much! I have a lot of things to do now, so I hope you're not mad. Stay tuned for more!

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