Chapter 6: Project 167

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A/N (This is my AU)

Shoto got his quirk when he was 3, making Touya 12. Touya tried to kill Shoto at age 13, when Shoto was 4. Endeavor sent him to the commission program, at 13. He "died" at age 15.

12 Years Before....

Keigo Takami POV~

I was awoken by the sound of people talking. There were 2 people in the room, but only one was talking. I fluttered my eyes open, looking at the bunkbed above my bed. Usually, there were 2 people in a room, but I got one to myself. I got up and took my headphones and placed them on the desk next to the bed to charge. I guess I was really tired, to fall asleep with them on. I walked out of my room, and closed the door behind me. I made my way to the small living room, where I saw one of the guards, and a white-haired boy with red streaks in his hair that looked around my age. 

"Here's where you'll be staying. You have one roommate, you'll see him at some point." She said. The guard had blue hair, and unlike our blue uniform, hers was green, just like the rest of the guards. She left the boy and his stuff and walked went out the door to do who-knows-what.

"Hey, you're my new roomie right?" I walked towards him. He quickly turned in my direction but didn't say anything.

"I guess you don't like to talk a lot. They said my new name is "Hawks" or whatever, but you can call me Keigo. My full name is Keigo Tamaki." He still didn't reply. I took another quick look at him. He had deep blue eyes, that reminded me of someone, though I don't know who. He had scars on his face, and was about an inch shorter than me.

"Well, uh, let me show you where you're staying." I started to walk to my room, or well I guess our room now, and he surprisingly followed. 

"Here it is. You must be pretty strong if you're roommates with me. I'll leave you be, so you can unpack." I guess I didn't want the guy to feel too uncomfortable, so I offered him to leave. I probably have to be somewhere anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

"Touya." I stopped


"You asked me my name before. My name is Touya." Well, I didn't expect that for sure.

"Well, it's nice to meet you! I guess I'll see you around campus, you have a free day today since it's your first day." And just like that, I left. 

A while later~

Touya Todoroki POV~

Hawks: Hey Touya!

He turns around to see Hawks coming towards him.

"So, how are you liking things so far?"

"It's fine."

"That's good. Anyway, I'm here to tell you that me and you will have to fight tomorrow, to see which section you belong in, and how strong you are." A fight? I was confused-

"Wait what fight? And what do you mean section-"

"Yeah we'll have to fight, but no worries, it's not personal after all. And yeah, there are four groups:

The low rankers; even though it has low in its name, everyone there is really strong. You either get there because you don't have a lot of experience, or because you lack skills in one area. Don't worry, you can climb ranks, but it's really hard. There are 49 people in that category. I forgot to mention, but there are 100 people here in total, including you. Moving on, there's the middle rank, there are about 25 people there in total. They are skilled, but are still blank in some areas. They don't have much experience. Then, we have the high rankers, there are 12 people there. They are really skilled, and have more experience than the middle rank. Next, We have the Elites. There are only 10 people there. They have a lot of opportunities to get hands-on experience. They excel in almost everything. And finally, we have the top four. They get all the action. Their job is to eliminate anyone who the commission says to. Sometimes, they bring the elite squad along with them. Every year, there's a match that takes place which is an opportunity for people to either go up or down. They also get to challenge the top four, if they wish to. I forgot to mention, but they also kind of rule the place. The Number 1 commissioner keeps track of the elites, Number 2 keeps track of the high rankers, Number 3 is in charge of the middle rankers, and number 4 is in charge of the lower rankers. But in total, all 100 of us are the strongest in the country. The commission rounded us up so they can train us to our top limit, so we could be the best we can. Also, you can tell which rank a person is by the color of their wristband." Pink is the lowest rank, the middle is blue, green is high, red is elite and finally, the top four have the teal wristband.

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