Chapter 7: The Black Diamonds

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Present Time~

Two days later, Hawks was waiting by a café, not too far from UA, and not too far from where he was originally supposed to meet his-- acquaintance. He changed the location last minute for multiple reasons. One, it is "less suspicious" to meet up in a public area, rather than in an alleyway, where a hero could easily find them. Another being that the red winged man loved the coffee served at this particular café, and being too lazy to fly all the way to the other side of town, risking to spill his drink, he decided to text Dabi and tell him the sudden change.

Where the hell is he, we're going to be late, and I'm going to get my ass kicked. He thought as he threw away his coffee cup. Then, in the corner of his eye, he saw a tall man, wearing a black jacket, covering his head, and a surgical mask covering his face, wearing jeans and tall boots walk towards him.

"Out of all the places we could meet, you choose here."

"Hello to you too, Dabi. For the record, I never said you had to look like a hobo." Hawks joked. Dabi just narrowed his eyes at the pro hero.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's not like I'm one of Japan's most wanted, covered in scars, and easily recognizable." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. Come on, we're going to be late." Said Hawks, already walking away, going towards the prestigious school.

"I couldn't care less."

"Mhm, try and catch up pretty boy!" Called Hawks to the pissed man. Dabi just sighed and started following the hero he calls his "friend" for some reason.

What the hell did I get myself into...

Meanwhile, at UA, all the staff and heroes had met up once again, those who were at the meeting last time. They were getting restless, and anxious waiting for Hawks. The past few days, there had been ongoing searches for the missing student, but no clues were found. No one had any leads, and if there were, they would lead to dead ends, having no meaning in the case whatsoever.

"What will we do if Hawks doesn't show up, or shows up, but without his partner or whatever." Asks Vlad King, the homeroom teacher of Class 1B.

"The question we should be asking at this moment is where the hell is Hawks-"

"Right here!" Best Jeanist, the pro hero who's usually calm, was ready to throw hands, turned to face the red-winged, and glared at him. The others also turned and faced him.

"Ah, you're finally here. Were you able to convince the person?" Hawks looks at the principle of UA, a bear, mouse, dog- whatever it didn't matter what he was. 

Getting straight to the point, huh.

"Sure was."

"Well, then, what are you waiting for, where the hell is he?" Asks Aizawa, not even trying to hide his irritation at the hero.

"No need to get so irritated, I'm right here." Dabi entered the meeting room, taking off his hood and mask, revealing his smirk hidden underneath.

The whole meeting room is silent. All eyes were on Dabi, one of the most dangerous villains in the LOV. He was right in front of them. No one was able to make a sound. All of them were thinking, thinking what the hell is going to happen. Then, Eraserhead turned to look at Hawks. His shocked expression turned into an angry glare.

"Hawks... You brought a fucking villain?! Not to mention, HE WAS THE EXACT PERSON WHO KIDNAPPED BAKUGO BEFORE!"

"The irony, am I right-" Hawks gave a light chuckle.

"HAWKS!" Hawks turned to one of the pros he was most close with- Miruko, who was also giving him her signature death stare. Dabi just looked amused at all of it.

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