Character Development (2)

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After assigning the role of the tagger, they start. With Tih's insane abilities, the other two decided they should have a head start.




After he finishes counting, Tih starts moving. Since this is "training", Tih decides to use his grappling gun to swing from tree to tree. He wooshes through the forest while dodging rocks and trees.

Tih pauses to listen to his surroundings. He hears chirps, squeaks of rodents, the rustling of leaves, and footsteps crunching on the the ground beneath it.

His head snaps in the direction of the sound. The person is too far to see, so Tih heads into that direction to look for them.

Elegantly sweeping through the mountain, his image blurs as he quickly catches up to the footsteps. Tih spots Basile a ways away and silently dashed up behind him.

According to the rules, Tih needs to touch the other person. He retracts the hook from the gun in one hand while stretching out his other.

The hook makes a clinking sound as it re-enters the grappling gun. Basile's ruby eyes turn back in time to see Tih tag him. He stops running, his feet slide against the dirt as he comes to a stop.

Facing Tih, Basile sharply inhaled between words," Ah? Tih, don't you know? When you tag someone, you have to say 'tag, you're it', otherwise it won't count." Basile patiently explains while catching his breath.

Tih tilts his head to the side, confused.

"Pffh, looks like my guess was right. I just wanted to test you a little. Boss, you're very gullible, but thanks to that... tag!" After tapping Tih's arm, Basile immediately back-steps, right off a cliff. A flurry of white hair disappeared from Tih's view as it falls below the ledge.

Tih quickly moves to the edge and looks down but the albino is already out of view. Tih decides not to jump down to look for him, opting to chase his other option, Abel.

Closing his eyes to heighten his other senses, Tih hears faint breathing about two miles from here. The person seems to be trying to steady their breath, meaning they're standing still, probably hiding. He leaves the area, not even thinking to look at the cliff face which Basile latched onto.

Tih doesn't realize that most people would die if they were to fall from this height and would not even think to risk their chances. Basile, who had all this planned before hand, pick a cliff face with many vines, giving him the best chance at grabbing onto something.

From the beginning, he knew he couldn't beat Tih in term of physical ability and chose to challenge him in strategy. The result of their confrontation was Basile's win.

Abel also stopped underestimating Tih ever since the obstacle course. Abel also plans to outsmart Tih but with a trap. He's also using this "training session" to test Tih. The trap he set up...well, it's the most basic hunting trap usually used for rabbits and the like.

The snare trap is simple and easy to set, taking little time to prepare. The usually aim to wrap around an animal's neck or body using a noose made with wire or strong string. Abel manufactured this one to wrap around the leg and dangle them in the air.

Abel happened to have wire developed by instructors that wouldn't snap even if four bears clawed at it.

Tih walks into the area and spots Abel hidden in a bush. He walks over but before Tih can reach his side, his perspective becomes flipped. Tih's brown curls stand on end as a confused expression appears on Tih's upside down face.

Abel comes out from in the bush," Huh, I didn't think it was going to be that, I guess you were right." He pauses every so often, letting the empty space time to speak.

Abel admires his workmanship. At some point, Basile also appeared from the direction Tih came from. Munching on a candy bar, he compliments Abel," Good work."

Tih looks at his predicament. Bending forward, he grabs the wire above his leg to inspect it.




He follows the wire to a branch above him. The branch has a thickness of an adult male's arm.

Letting go of the wire, he starts swing back and forth, eventually reaching the tree connected to that branch.

With one kick, a cracking sound is heard, before a loud creak echos. Finally, a deafening boom sounds as the tree hits the floor.




Two people stare, shell-shocked, at the split trunk of the tree marked with a boot print and the hundred foot tree heading into the distant forest, out of view.

Feet now planted on the ground, Tih walks over to tag Abel before realizing his ankle is still hooked around the wire, which is still attached to the tree.

Ignoring this fact, he continues walking forward, dragging the entire tree with him, but he can only drag it a couple steps before it gets stuck.

If one had a bird's eye view, they would know that the fallen tree is surrounded by its fellow trees that are still standing for now. The fallen tree laughs in his friends' faces, saying 'you'll be next.'

Momentarily stopped by the blocking tree, Tih resumes walking, taking down a whole acre of forest with him. Eventually, the fallen tree gives under pressure and splits once more, freeing itself from the metal wire along with Tih.

Tih easily taps Abel. His straight face gazes at Abel's pale face. Astonished, it takes Abel and Basile a while to speak.

Basile's voice cracks as he speaks," win. I can't beat that."

"I never believed brute force could overpower strategy and tactics...until now." Abel mumbles.

"Hm?" Abel looks to the empty space beside him, listening. "You're right, this will be good experience for when we have to fight people that are overwhelming stronger than ourselves. Shall we continue?" Abel looks towards Basile.

Basile nods, popping some popcorn in his mouth. Tih look at the two, ready to continue. Tag doesn't stop after the first tag, after all.

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