A Quiet Embrace

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"I-I-I. ....U-Uh......I-I-I-I'M S-S-SORRY! I-I D-DID N-NOT MEAN TO KISS Y-YOU SO HASTILY! OH MY GOSH!" Ibara turned around and folded her hands together. She turned around to not face Izuku, mumbling a few hundred prayers a minute.

'Huh. So that's what I sound like.' Izuku chuckled, thinking back to his time with Phantom.

"Hey, Shiozaki."

"AAAAAAAHHHHH! DON'T DO THAT! I GET WAY TOO ENTRANCED, WHEN I AM IN PRAYER!" Izuku didn't do it physically, but internally, he rolled his eyes as hard as he could.

"Well, I was just trying to tell you, it's okay." She gave a confused look. Izuku walked up to her, carefully take her hand, as to not make her think he was doing, anything devious. Putting her hand in his, he completely got lost im the feel of it. Since when did humans, have the ability to feel like smooth silk? Izuku started rubbing circles on the back of her hands, still getting lost in her pillowy feel. Ibara began to blush, seeing him do what he did. His corse, rugged hands, actually provided a bit of a soothing, massage-like feeling, to her hands.

"U-um. M-Midoriya?" Izuku snapped out of his mindless state, quickly letting go of Ibara's hand.

"S-sorry, Shiozaki. Your hands just felt really soft." Ibara blushed, *sigh*, again. However she didn't lose her composure this time. She rather looked at Izuku, with shock and awe. Again, they just met, at this point, not even an hour ago. Not even in a cheap chick-flick, is that enough time to like someone. Let alone love them.

"W-well. W-would you like to go somewhere?" Izuku wide-eyed Ibara, as she gained enough confidence to ask him out.

"Are you sure, Shiozaki? I mean, you did just meet me." Ibara shakily reached out, wrapping her left hand back around Izuku's right. Now it was the male's turn to blush, as he was in awe of how beautiful, but also how adorable, this girl was.

"Y-yes. I-I would like to know y-you better." Izuku smiled to her, and he wrapped his hand around hers, interlocking their fingers together.

"Well then, Miss Shiozaki. Where would you like to go?"

"U-um. Would you l-like to go walk around town?" Izuku could believe how adorable she was. Since he already shared a kiss with her, he decided to give her a peck on the forehead. "W-w-w-wha?....."

"Heh. Sorry. You're just so adorable. Come on. Let's go find something to do." Izuku began to walk off with her, hand in hand. Ibara was tense at first, but as she looked at Izuku's reassuring smile, she began to calm down. Ibara softened her expression, letting her hand meld with his, like two pieces of a puzzle.

'Hehe. Maybe God finally gave me the one.'

Izuku and Ibara walked of towards downtown, looking like a couple, as they smiled and laughed with one another. Little did the couple know, off around the corner, sat a group of friends, who were spying in on the two.

"Wow. He really got through with her." Mina said, surprised at how much Ibara opened up to him.

"Yeah seriously. We didn't even need to push her. He literally brought out her inner UwU." Literally every single one of them, all deadpanned Kirishima, with Mina wanting to strangle him for that sentence.

"What are you idiots doing?" Monoma walked up to them, dressed in normal fall attire, as it gets pretty chilly in Cleveland.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be working?" Monoma shook his head.

"Just got off. You guys know Hitoshi takes over at nine." They all made and, "oh," noise. Monoma looked up and barely saw Izuku and Ibara, walking hand in hand. He smiled a little bit, as he was happy his friend finally found somebody, who would make him happy.

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