All Might

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Two weeks had passed, since our fluffy little couple got together. It was pure joy for them. The term "puppy love", was basically on full display, whenever they were around one another. Constant kisses, hugs, cuddling, and ahem, hand holding. They were the definition of a perfect couple. Yet, it went even further than that.

Izuku, due to the his war experiences, suffered mightily from PTSD. So bad, that he would wake up, with his chimera side showing, ready to kill anyone. When Ibara showed up, that actually started to fade slightly. Only slightly, but it was very noticeable. Izuku was getting more sleep. Again, it wasn't much, but it was a start. It was a start to happier days and a start to a better life.

At least, if he could make it through the next few days.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay Izuku?" Ibara asked. They had met up at a coffee shop, wanting to see each other, before Izuku had to leave for his "business trip."

"Yes Ibara. I promise. It's just a five day trip to Hawaii. What's gonna hurt me, a shark?" Izuku laughed, while his girlfriend pouted. She crossed her arms and huffed.

"I was just making sure you were going to be okay." Izuku rolled his eyes playfully. He kept his smile, putting his left hand onto her right one. She looked at him, and her nerves were settled a bit. Seeing him so calm and happy, always managed to ease her anxiety and worry. It was an effect, that Shio was glad she could find in someone. It's what made her fall in love with him, more and more each time she laid eyes on him.

"I promise Shio. I will be ok. You have nothing to worry about." Despite Izuku's calming words, Ibara still worried and worries immensely. The holy girl couldn't quite put it into words, but she suddenly had a feeling of doubt. Almost as if, she knew something would happen.

"Ok Izuku. I trust you." She smiled sweetly, and Izuku leaned over to kiss her forehead.

"Thanks Ibara." She raised his hand and kissed it.

"You're welcome, Izuku."



"Save it shithead! I don't wanna hear it!" Setsuna had gone back to the prison Inasa was sent to, now needing to find even more answers. Answers, she didn't really want to know.

"Well ya don't need ta be rude! I was merely conversating!" Setsuna rubbed her forehead, with the index and thumb of her left hand. She really wasn't in the mood for this, and the fact that it has to do with her ex, and still love interest, didn't exactly help.

"Can it, Yoarashi. I received new information, and if it is true, there will be no chance of you living another day past your sentencing. So I'd answer honestly, or you will be in for hell." Setsuna's tone turned demonic. It was enough to even shake up Inasa. The guards around his cell, even gulped at her words.

"What is it then?" Inasa asked, surprisingly with a calm voice.

"Toshinori Yagi. All Might. The American Hero, turned traitorous villain. Suppoedly, he worked with you in the Jerusalem Incident. Now I a conflicting report, saying that might not be true. So you are going to answer me honestly, or I will personally, break you in two." Inasa smiled.

"Yes! That's why you're my favorite! Such a fiery spirit! Such drive and commitment! No wonder you caught Bakugo's eyes! You and him are one and the same!" Setsuna signaled for the guards to walk away, knowing that even they couldn't know about this information. After they cleared the area, a glass box rose around Setsuna. Making sure that nothing could be heard from the outside

"So! What is it you want to know?!" Inasa asked, pride now encompassing his body again.

"Who was really your accomplice? You had to have had someone else, that cleary didn't work out. All Might was a scapegoat, and now you need him gone, so you have any chance of getting free." Inasa grunted. He hadn't expected Setsuna to catch on this quickly.

"All Might was a traitor. Just like me. He was in on the plan, as much as I was. But......he chickened out. He ran away from our little strike group. Told on us to the superiors. Bitched out, like the true coward he was." The greenette raised her brow. She gained a confident grin, knowing that the information Shimura, was clearly different from his.

"Oh really? If that's the case, then tell me about Neito Monoma." Inasa urked. His eyes ballooned to planet size, hearing that name come out of her mouth.

"How do you know that name? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?!" Setsuna laughed.

"Come on! You know who the director of the FBI is. You really think she wouldn't give me the actual info, now did you?" Setsuna had much more confidence in herself now, knowing she was going to either make him slip up, or get him to spill.

"Monoma.........that piece of shit was supposed to die." Just like that, the grin was lost. Replaced by an overwhelming sense of dread, hearing those words fly out of his mouth.

"What do you mean, he was supposed to die?" Inasa looked to the ground and too a deep breath. He then shifted ihis eyes to meet Setsuna's again.

"Monoma, was the first one to pull the trigger. It was his plan from the getgo. I at first didn't want to join, but I'm a psychopath who loves to kill. Him?........he is a carnage loving murderer. However when he was nearly killed, he needed an alibi to get out of doing serious time. So, we used All Might, since he was our superior. We honestly didn't expect anyone to believe it, but here we are." Setsuna stayed silent. Taking in all of the words, a dozen theories went through her head. This was definitely a surprise, but it only made her resolve to save Izuku, that much more prevalent.

"What was the goal then? You could have pinned it on anyone else, but you chose him. Why?" Inasa looked fully at Setsu now. He smiled again, now seeing the tables had turned better for him.

"Because we knew eventually, they'd send Midoriya after him. The government officials who helped sponsor the attack, need him X'd out." Setsuna began to internally panic. "Sure it took much longer than expected, but everything is about to fall to ruin. And Midoriya, will be at the center of it all."

"So they want Izuku dead?"

"No. Midoriya is the perfect Chimera. They want him to lose control, kill All Might, then when the truth comes out about the attack, he will be the one they point to as a traitor." Inasa began to laugh. Setsuna had enough and stood up. She motioned for the glass to be raised. She stared Inasa down, showing the clear want to absolutely and brutally, beat and murder him. Once her little stare down was done, she turned to leave the complex. Only to come face to face, with the man she needed to save.


"I-Izuku?" He looked at her with worry, because she was in such close proximity to Inasa. Setsuna dropped all sense of being an FBI agent, running up to him and throwing her arms around his chest and back. Izuku kept staring at Inasa, but he eventually relented and hugged his former lover back.

"Oh my God! Thank the lord you're safe!" She said into his chest. She pulled back from the hug and stared into his eyes. Izuku's didn't show any really emotion, but hers, showed pure admiration, love, and even lust. She didn't give him any time to react and like what Ibara did, she jumped and kissed his lovingly on the lips.

"Young Midoriya. Is this Setsuna Tokage?" A voice bellowed from down the walkway. Setsuna quickly pulled away, but she noticed how pissed off Izuku was now. She wasn't worried about that now, but it was a topic for later. Her focus needed to be on the person that just called out to Izuku.

"Who are you?" She asked, reaching down to her waist, nearing her hand to the holster that held her firearm. The footsteps that had been heard, clanking on the crude metal pathways, got to their loudest point. Until, he skinnier, blond haired man, stepped from the shadows.

"A-All Might?" Setsuna dropped her guard.

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