Codename: Deku

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"A-All Might?" Setsuna squeaked out, as Izuku walked in with a very tall, very buff, blond man behind him.

"YES! I AM H-"

"You aren't out of the waters yet, so don't push your luck." Izuku cut off the large man, making him frown with disappointment. Izuku looked back to Setsuna, still really pissed about her kissing him out of nowhere.

"Izuku. What's wrong? Why do you look so mad?" She placed her hand, softly on his cheek, caressing it while rubbing circle with her thumb.

"Setsu....*sigh*.....look. When this is over, let's go grab some coffee. I'll explain everything there. Right now, I have a job to do." Izuku slowly pulled her hand down, but he placed a kiss onto it, trying to assure her he was ok. Yes he did feel guilty doing it, but there was a good portion of him, that still loved her. Even after all this time, neither could really get the other off their minds. Even though they were both married.

"O....Ok." Izuku gave a small grin. It didn't last, as he quickly lost it. He turned back to Toshinori, giving a small nod before heading to the cell.

Inasa looked as if he saw a ghost. Truth be told, no one knew what the actual truth was, or if there was any truth at all. He was known as a compulsive liar and a fraud, so no one really could believe a word he said. Plus with his story changing fifty thousand times, it seemed they could never get the truth.

"Bet you didn't expect to see me, Inasa. You played your cards well, but the government decided to go all in. So I'm gonna make this simple. You have one chance to get your story right. No lying. No bullshit. Got it?" Inasa grew a tick mark.


"You were in that too. We had a code. Never lie to a brother in arms. Remember?" Yoarashi growled. "Yeah. That's what I thought. Once a phantom, always a phantom."

"You think that code will get me to talk? DO YA?!" Izuku widened his smile, while All Might and Setsuna stayed close by, in case things went South.

"Maybe. Maybe not. All I know, is you lost."

"I LOST?! BULLSHIT! IT IS YOU WHO LOST!" Izuku laughed like a madman.

"Really! Cause guess fuckin what Inasa! You lost! You're in here locked up, just waiting for your execution! Your little operation was quickly dissolve and everyone you worked with is dead or in here! Your bullshit stories with All Might and Neito are faker than tits in LA! And......Ibara is with me now." Inasa's eyes widened. Those words cut through him like butter. Not only that, but an arrow was shot through the heart, of another green haired person, standing a few feet behind.

'Oh my god. I kissed him.....and he has someone else. Shit! No wonder he was so mad at me!' Setsuna internally screamed and berated herself. '.....wait. Did he say......Ibara?'

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! SHE BELONGS TO ME!" Izuku lost his smile immediately, hearing those words. The one thing he hates more than a liar, is someone who treats another like they're an object. A possession, that belongs to someone and not themselves. Now thag the subject at hand, was his girlfriend, his hate only fostered even more.

"She isn't an object. You don't own her. She is her own person." Inasa knew he wasn't going to win, but....he knew he could get under Izuku's skin.

"Oh trust me, when she was with me, she was one hell of an object." Izuku raised a brow, confused as to where he was going with this. All Might widened his eyes, knowing what the psycho was playing at.

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