Burning Love (Lemon)

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Smut warning. That is all I'm saying. Remember, they are 24 in this story.


Setsuna had left the two, so they could have their privacy. It was definitely a kick to the face, hearing another woman tell him, that she loved her. Yet, there was a sense of happiness inside of her. Happy that he was able to move past Ochako. The absolute hell the guy has ben through, could finally be brought to an end. And all it took, was for him to finally open his heart again. Even if, it meant inadvertently hurting someone else.

The pain wouldn't go away for Setsuna, and she knew it. First losing Izuku to Ochako, then Katsuki being killed in action, to now not having a chance with Izuku again. It all seemed to be beating down on her, but....that's life. It's what we all must face someday.


Setsuna opened the door to a restaurant, making the bell ding on her way in. It really didn't startle anyone. It was a quiet little place, on the corner of two, not so busy streets. A fine Mom and Pop place, where many folk alike, come to relax.

"Ahh, Setsuna. So good to-a see you. Been-a so long, since you last came." A stocky man, with an interesting mustache and basic, brown hair, came out from the kitchen to meet Setsuna. She smiled at the man, as he gave her a big, Italian style hug.

"Hi Tommy. How've you been?" Setsuna giggled a little. She had used to come here a lot, when she was in high school, but after that, she wasn't around as much. College and work, kinda got in the way of that.

"I've-a been better. Maria....she has been sick for, past two months. Sam is-a taking good care of her, but she hasn't gotten the better yet." Setsuna frowned. She had know them, since she was a kid. And of course, began going to their restaurant as she got older. Her mother unfortunately passed when Setsu was only seven, so Maria was basically her mother figure.

"I'm sorry Tommy. Is there anything I can do?" Tommy smiled and patted her should.

"Take-a the seat and relax. You look-a very tired, so please." He motioned to a booth. Setsuna nodded and walked over to the leather seat. It wasn't the most comfortable, but after the day she has had, it felt like heaven.

Sitting her head back on the headrest, the greenette closed her eyes. After the absolute shitshow they all had to witness, this was a good time to try and relax from it all. Inasa, Izuku, All Might, all of it was going to eat at her psychi. So it was better to just try to move past it, than to dwell on it. Though...it's times like this, where you wish you didn't have to do things like this alone.


"Neito! Good to see you." And right now, Setsuna may have found her peace.

"Monoma?" The blond heard his name and turned to face the culprit. He landed his eyes, with the forest green ones, of his friend's ex lover. He gave a small smile, making way to the seat across from her.

"Setsuna. How are you doing?" She sighed quietly.

"Honestly....not great. Had a rough morning."

"Take it work was rough." Setsuna hummed. "....care to talk about it? Don't feel pressured, but...you've always been there for me when I needed it."

"I know. But your baggage was always, girls never talking to you at the bar." Neito gave a small laugh. Setsuna smiled slightly, but turned her gaze to the ceiling.

"Well, nothing really that interesting since Afghan. Anyway. How's Saria?"

"She's good. About to start pre-school?"

"Really? She's gotten that big already? Damn time flies." Tommy walked over to them, placing two cups of coffee on the table. He knew they needed sometime to talk, so he said he'd be back for their orders. Leave it to him, to be the dad you never knew you needed.

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