Short and Sweet

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"Everything ok Midoriya?" Ibara walked up to Izuku, who looked to be in emotional distress. She wrapped her hand around his, interlacing her fingers with his. Izuku jolted a tiny bit, but relaxed when he saw it was her. He notices a small strand of hair near her eye, and he brought his free hand up, to move it behind her ear. Once again, he was showing her his sweetness.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." Ibara smiled.

"Can't believe someone like you, roped me in on the first date." Izuku chuckled. He stared into her beautiful, forest green eyes, getting lost in the sea of green. Her smooth, porcelain skin. Her beautiful smile. Her soft, silky hair. Everything about her was perfect. Izuku only needed one night, to finally know, he found the one.

"Oh! Hi Izuku!" Until this bitch, HAD THE AUDACITY, to show up.

"You have got to be kidding me." Ibara looked around, eventually coming across the brunette, rosy checked female, thag called to Izuku.

"Midoriya. It's been awhile." A red and white haired guy, holding the brunette's hand, said.

"Um. Midoriya, who are they?" Ibara said quietly, hoping they didn't hear her. Lucky for the religious girl, they didn't.

"Later, ok?" Izuku squeezed her hand softly, letting her know it's okay. She didn't like it, but Ibara knew she had to keep her own feelings down. She did her best not to stare too much, as she couldn't trust either of the two, but there was nothing the vine haired girl could do.

"Urarakaaaaaa, so nice to see you. Todo-Brodo, always a pleasure. How are you two doing?" Ochako clapped her hands together.

"Oh, amazing! Shoto just proposed to me last week!" Ochako showed off the ring. Izuku internally rolled his eyes. He loved Ochako for her bubbliness, caring nature, and loving attitude. After she cheated with Shoto, somehow she became a money hungry, fake asshole. Her act was a facade, and Izuku knew exactly what she was like.

"Really now?! That's awesome. I'm so happy for you two. Oh, I also heard you two moved." Shoto hummed.

"Yes. Moved from Westlake, down to Columbus. New Albany area. Five bedrooms, four bathrooms, nine acres. Amazing plot of land." Izuku grunted a little bit. Shoto, like Ochako, never had this type of personality. He never talked about his money, or his possessions. He was always humble and laid-back, but now, he was just someone trying to out spend everyone. Eva shut the hell up about Ohio.

"W-wow. Awesome. Glad you both are doing so well." Ochako looked to Ibara, and immediately felt like she got stomach punched.

"O-oh. I'm sorry. Who may you be?" Ochako asked, a feigned sweet tone, filled her voice. Ibara was startled, and Izuku noticed her struggling to find a response. He decided to step in and save her, so she wouldn't breakdown.

"This is Ibara Shiozaki. My girlfriend." Ibara blushed, like an anime character. Her face heated up, while Izuku went completely red. He said that. He actually said that. No if, ands, or buts, just boom, there ya go.

"Wow! Awesome Izuku! I'm glad you found someone! How long have you two been dating?!" Ibara went to answer, but Izuku stopped her. She looked to him, but he was still focused on the other two. She could tell by his actions, that Izuku knew what he was doing, so didn't bother to stop him. Though she hated lying, this was a situation, where it seemed it was called for.

"Three months." Izuku said that, as to not raise suspicion. "Met actually at Neito's bar, and he helped set us up."

"Aww that's so sweet. By the way, are you still living with your mother?" The sound of glass breaking, could be heard. None had any in their hands, but instead, someone had dropped some off to the side. The sound perfectly summarized, what was going on in Izuku's brain. Utter chaos.

"W-well, Y-yeah-"

"Oh, Midoriya. I heard you could possibly be moving to Westlake. Getting your old house back?" Izuku's grip on Ibara started to tighten. His blood began to boil. His anger was sweltering like lava, ready to explode at any moment.

"Well, since we split, I've been tight. Plus serving another tour, and you know how people treat vets here in the states. I've just now found some solid work." Izuku was in the verge of losing it. He knew what they were doing. It was as obvious as plastic surgery. They were sabotaging his chances with Ibara, or at least, they tried to. For now reason too. Izuku had been nothing but nice, to Ochako and Todoroki. He never went off for her cheating, or him being the one it happened with. Izuku always kept his emotions in check. Even with all of his stuff, he was dealing with, he still maintained his respectful attitude.

However, that was all beginning to change.

"If you guys don't mind me asking, why are you doing back here, if you moved to Columbus?" Izuku asked, trying to get himself out of a corner. However Izuku was never able to get an answer. Ibara was hiding it well, but her own frustration was mounting. She grabbed Izuku's arm and pulled him away from the couple.

"Hey, Shio! What are you doing?" Ibara kept leading him away, not wanting to say anything yet. Izuku was worried he screwed up, so he avoided saying anything. What Izuku didn't know, was Ibara could tell how uncomfortable he was. Rather than him having to feign confidence, she was going to pull him away, and allow him to simmer off.

"I'm sorry Midoriya. I-I just saw y-you were uncomfortable. S-so I-I-MMPH!" Izuku smashed his lips into hers. He really was in awe.xshe was so amazing. One day. ONE FREAKING DAY. Was all he needed, to know this woman was amazing.

"Sorry. You're just so amazing." Izuku smiled. Ibara was frozen, with a permanent blush on her face.

"M-Midoriya. D-did you m-mean what you said?"

"About what?" Ibara twittled with her fingers.

"A-about me being your girlfriend?" Izuku smiled softly to her. He leaned down and kiss her softly.

"I don't need more than a day, to be one hundred perfect, positive." Ibara smiled and blushed. She rested her head on Izuku's shoulder.

"Thank you. Izuku."


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