Meeting the Family Pt. 2

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Just when Ibara thought she was going to have a chance to relax, Inko Midoriya decides to throw her sense of security, into oblivion. As soon as they made their way into the apartment, the air went still. An aura began to swirl around the room, as if someone just did the Kaioken. Eri felt it. Izuku felt it. And of course, Ibara felt it. Believe the narrator folks, this is where shit got real.

"Izuku?" He looked to his mother.

"Yep?" Inko took out forty dollars and handed it to her son.

"Order the pizza please. Island Paradise  please." Izuku took the money.

"Two large pepperoni, one medium three meat, and I'm assuming......*sigh*......the Hawaiian." Inko deadpanned Izuku.

"Yes Izuku. The Hawaiian. And don't you start with your pineapple crap!" Izuku was already halfway down the hall.

"DOESN'T BELONG On pizza...." His voice gradually faded as he got further away. Eri bounced her way over to the couch, patiently awaiting for her grandmother to join her. Inko motioned for Ibara to follow her into the living room. Shio gulped and sweat began to slide down her forehead. This interrogation was going to be way different, than the one Eri tried to give her. This isn't just any mother. This mother, was the District Attorney, for the city of Cleveland. And right now in Ibara's eyes, the literal devil.

"So Miss Shiozaki." Inko stated harshly, as she sat onto the brown, leather couch. Shiozaki followed her lead, sitting on the leather loveseat, directly across from the couch. Ibara was nervous as can be, and Eri staring with such a bright smile, in the case, wasn't making anything better.

"Let's start small. Nothing major yet." Shio nodded. "How long have you and my son been an item? He and I talk about stuff often, yet he never mentioned a girlfriend."

"W-we m-met at a b-bar. T-tonight. We've only been a c-couple for a couple hours." Inko furrowed her brow and crossed her left leg over her right. She was about to go full blown L.A Noire mode.

"Met at a bar, huh? Hmph. First time Izuku has ever tried to talk to a woman at the bar. Barring that, next question. What do you do for a living?" Ibara gulped again.

"I-I w-work as a r-regional d-director for Dunington Bank."

"Salary?" Inko asked, and now her voice was becoming the deep, darker, scare you to death tone, that everyone feared.

"N-n-ninty five t-thousand a-a year." Inko raised a brow.

"Didn't many of the higher-ups, recieve a fifteen percent bonus?"

"I-I gave m-mine up. I don't u-use my money o-often. I didn't s-see the need f-for it." Inko didn't show it, but she genuinely liked that answer. Especially hearing what Ochako had become, this was definitely surprising, but welcoming to hear.

"A person with a generous heart. I like that. Now onto some more, let's say, difficult questions." The green haired female, looked down to her granddaughter. "Eri, I need you to go to your room please."

"But, I wanna watch." Inko gave Eri, a demonic looking glare, that could rival Medusa's.

"Is that talk back I hear?" Eri jumped up and apologized. She ran off to her room, shutting the door quickly behind her. Inko cleared her throat, then turned her attention back to Ibara.

"Now as I said, these questions will be straddling the line a bit. I hope you don't mind. I mean, your are a twenty-three year old." Ibara was still shaking from nervousness, but ultimately was able to steel herself.

"I-I can handle it, Misses Midoriya."

"Ooh, stuttering. Not a great start. Anyway, let's move on. First set of questions. You are a member of the church, correct?" Ibara nodded in response, a little concerned on how Inko knew this. "Ok. So Miss Shiozaki......are you still pure?"

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