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The morning after was quite the spectacle. Ibara was the first to wake up, immediately noticing Izuku's half covered body, lying beside her. Normally she was scream, start praying, then take an hour long bath. Because that's how'd she forget Inasa's piece of shit, bitch ass. However with Izuku, she did none of the three. With him, his embrace, his love, his warmth, it all felt right. Forget timelines, forget all of it. Repetition be damned, but that is all she could think. Ibara loved him. That was all that could be said. She loved him with all of her heart.

He stirred in his sleep, now laying on his back, with only the sheet covering her new favorite part of him. Though after Izuku ravaged her the night before, Ibara chose not to go for seconds.....or should I say twenty-seconds. Anyway. The, not so pure girl, leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. Not wanting to leave his side, she let the sweet kiss, linger a little longer. The best decision Ibara made, as Izuku smiled and leaned his head upward, kissing her on the lips.

The action shocked her at first, not expecting him to be awake. She was definitely surprised, that he kissed her for no reason. Then it hit her. Why should she be surprised? It was Izuku. Like she had said before, God gave him to her for a reason. Admittedly, her timidness around Izuku, was due to Inasa's treatment of her. So any action Izuku did, that would surprise her, was because she had never experienced it before.

She never got to see what love truly is. She definitely never got to feel what good sex is like. But most importantly, she didn't even know what it was like, to feel human. Inasa treated her so poorly, Ibara was shut in, feeling like a caged animal. Or even worse, a puppet. A toy. Something Inasa only brought out to play with, whenever he felt the inclination to. It was to say the least, pathetic. He wasn't a man. He was a monster. Someone who deserved to rot in hell, for everything he did. And his influence still haunts the poor woman. The things Ibara said to Izuku, while they made love, wasn't like her. She would never, on any normal day, EVER, allows those words to break free of her mouth.

It was another ripple effect, from her previous relationship. A relationship, where she either said what he wanted, or she would be beaten.....or worse. It was so bad, he even was unfaithful to her. TO! HER! FACE! Making her watch, as he drilled into other women, and on two occasions......well I'd get in trouble for telling you the awful things, that stupid bastard did. But you get the gist. Izuku was literally, the greatest, single thing, that could've ever happened to Ibara. There were no words, describing just how thankful she was, to have him in her life.

"Good morning beautiful." Izuku planted another kiss on her lips. She smiled into this one, now moving her legs, to get over top of him. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. Rather the young couple, just allowed their connected lips, to do the talking for them.

"Morning my love." Ibara said, kissing him a few more times. The couple knew they needed to get up and start their day, but let's be honest. No one would give this feeling up, for anything in the world. Until Izuku's phone went off.

"Hmm? Who the heck would call this early?"

"Umm, baby. It's almost eleven." Ibara giggled, seeing Izuku's shocked reaction, to how late it was. Luckily it was Saturday, so they didn't really need to do anything. Except answer the phone of course.

"Hello?" Izuku heard frantic breathing on the other side of the phone, and immediately he knew something was off. That was, until he recognized the tone, of one of the groans, that was laced in with the breathing. "Wait a damn minute. Shoto?!"

"Midoriya! Oh thank God! I didn't know who else to call!" Izuku now could tell these breaths weren't from exercise or and strenuous activities. These were ones of fear and sadness.

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