Meeting the Family Pt. 1

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Warning! This chapter has some very dark elements, containing some of what Inasa's war crimes involved. They are based off of true events that have happened in our world, so of course, it will not be a very comfortable experience. If you do not like that, then please skip over it. And for those who know me........

No one. Is going. To die.


Ibara and Izuku decided, that they would just leave the festival. The mood had been soured, and Izuku really didn't want to deal with Ochako's shit right now. He felt bad that it happened. Of course, you don't expect stuff like this to happen, but that doesn't remove the guilt residing in your brain. Izuku was trying to make a good impression on his date, but then life had to come swinging, and it managed to hit a homerun.

"Umm.....Izuku?" Izuku still kept looking forward. He was holding Ibara's hand, but was silent. Worried that his chances with Ibara were ruined. She may have told him it was ok, but his pride as a man, was shot through the chest.

"I'm sorry." Izuku said softly. Ibara stopped them, and she gave him a firm, stern look.

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything wrong. They were wrong for confronting you like that. You didn't deserve such slander." Ibara raised her voice a little, but it was still her soft, sweet tone, that captivated Midoriya. She was so caring, despite the fact she just met him. She felt the need to protect him, to bring his spirits up. Regardless of his situation, she wanted to make him feel welcome to her.

"I.....I know. But I feel pathetic."

"You are not pathetic! Just because you live with your mother and have a daughter, doesn't mean anything! You're clearly trying to make your life better, right?!" Izuku stared at her in shock. Words tried to escape his throat, but his lips wouldn't move.


"Ye-yeah. I want to make Eri's life as good as I can." Ibara smiled to Izuku, squeezing his hand a little bit.

"Then you're doing it right." Izuku smiled and nodded. "Now. You said I could meet her. So....." She twirled her hair a little bit.

"Of course, Shio." Izuku kissed her cheek, and she giggled slightly. Izuku took her hand and led her to his home. Both were smiling and enjoying each other's presence. Izuku looked at her, finally getting some peace into his life. One of the most beautiful, kind, sweet, innocent women he's ever met, fell for him instantly. And there was no way, he would let her go.


"Lights!" The lights in a stone walled complex, flickered on. The bright white rays of plasma, lit up the area. As far as the eye could see, there were glass cells, keeping in some of the most dangerous criminals in the country. Walking up to the cell, was a woman dressed in a purple, button-up, business shirt, as well as a black skirt. She had leggings on underneath, with black flames on her feet. Her hair was in a ponytail, colored green, and parted cleanly from her face.

"Ah! Setsuna Tokage! My favorite FBI agent! How are you doing!?" Inasa Yoarashi, the Phantom Traitor, shouted. It was the only thing he could do,, since he was in a chair, strapped down by belt restraints and a straight jacket. His eyes were wide open now. The look of madness, psychopathy, and murder,, filled his gaze, as he watch Tokage walk right up to his window. Setsuna got to the window, before crossing her arms and putting on an unnerving stare.

"None of your useless rambling Yoarashi. Two more people were found in the woods, in Northern California. One was barely alive, starving from malnutrition, while the other was missing an arm." Inasa laughed a little, showing some of his psychotic side.

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