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(*refers to media* I finally saw Big Hero 6 today and im so obsessed it's not even funny! I guess you can say I've officially joined another fandom...eheh...)


Guess who had the pleasure of being sick all day? *points to self* this gal!

Yeah...I had a fever earlier and felt like utter crap. And even worse is my mom's friends came over and so she forced me to pretend I wasn't about to collapse and say hi.

*^* why mom why

But duuuude I've been feeling so trippy today...my head was spinning and lightheaded, I could hardly get up and walk around without getting dizzy, and my whole body ached.

So I basically just watched movies and random TV shows all day on my living room couch.

Okay, call me weird or whatever, but I've been addicted to the lego-animated show Ninjago and it's kind of taken over my soul

If I don't get my daily fix of greenflame someone could get hurt xD

And I've been reading much less soul eater Fanfiction as a result (which used to make up my entire life basically) so I guess it's okay...right? Eheh...

Ugh, again with this Kid poster...you remember me mentioning how this wall scroll I have has Death the Kid on it and in the dark, it looks like he doesn't have a nose

That mixed with his pale complexion could very well make him Death City's very own Voldemort xD

Y'know, it was kinda funny, CUZ for Halloween I went as Kid and I didn't want to have to explain that I was supposed to be the grim reaper's son every single time some confused bystander questioned my costume, sooo I ended up telling everyone I was straight up Death.

I think everyone took a step away from me that day xD

But a girl from a younger grade went as Maka and so we had this moment in the stairwell where we just stared at eachother like "omfg, I love you right now"

So whenever I see her in the halls now I say, "Hey Maka" and she replies, "Hey Kid."

It's pretty fantastic.

And this other girl in a younger grade wants to start an anime club and I'm over here about to graduate in a few months missing my opportunities

But luckily, the Highschool im going to has an anime club so YEY ^_^

I talked to some members of the club when I went to the open house and they were just the coolest, chilliest people OMG

And one of them had all these little plushie and I just felt so at home xD

Ooh, I never told you about my acceptance letter, did I? Well, as you can probably infer, I got into the school of my choice, along with a scholarship and all honors classes ^D^

My parents flipped it was so funny

This just goes to show that all the extra hard work I've put into school the past couple of years simply because I'm a try hard has paid off xD

But I'm gonna be in the honors class for whatever second language I take, doesn't matter, so I'm kinda nervous. CUZ, I'm pretty sure I want to take french but I feel like I'm going to get lost really quickly and ugh

But as far as electives go, freshman have to take a visual or performing arts class. So I think I'm going to g to take Drawing and Painting 1 because frankly, I love to draw.

And I REALLY REALLY wanna take graphic design, but that'a not available for freshman so I'll just have to wait until I'm a sophomore.

Oh well, it's cool. The first elective I mentioned is gonna be fun anyways :)

Anyone else graduating this year? If so, what are your plans/results? I guess that's like, my question of the day or something


Anyway, I'll see you guys later!

Keep it cool,
Stay in school.
Flower power,

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