Meetup? Anyone?

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(*refers to media* Anyone else a ninjago fan who is stoked for the season finale tonight? No, just me? Damn, I knew I was getting too nerdy...)

Would anyone ever want to meet me IRL?

I know it's a weird, random question, but I actually used to think about that a lot when I was writing True Brother.

I'm probably not as popular as I used to be (hehe...*cough laziness cough*), but if any of you still like me enough, would you want to meet me in person? This means you have to live close, obviously haha

I really don't want you flying across the United States just to meet me xD

I happen to live in Chicago (I know it's an Internet taboo to give out my location, and I know I'm already stupid, but there are like a billion Fiona's here in Chicago so I think I'm okay lol) so if you live anywhere in the city you might be able to meet up with me :3

Idk what we would do, just talk and goof around probably, but I feel like it would be really fun to do something like this.

I don't know, what do you guys think?

Keep it cool,
Stay in school.
Flower power,

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