Ba Dum Bum

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(*refers to media* Anyone else pumped for the new Gorillaz album coming out this year? Eeeeee I can't wait ^D^)

Sooooooo *throws a piece of bubblegum in my mouth* how's it going? *looks at you expectedly*

Fine then. It's cool. Don't reply. *blows bubble*

Okay lol I'm sorry I've been thinking about scene layouts and ideas for Clutch (my original novel that is really intended to be a graphic novel but I'm not that great at drawing yet so it'll have to wait) and I've just got all these thorough, dynamic, small details that I-


Okay well anyway XD this weekend has been pretty okay for me. I started working on a new Why chapter, but I got hit with writers block and couldn't get a good flow between the sentences so I just put it on pause for now, until I can actually write a decent chapter. Quality over quantity (or speed of release...?) is my motto here haha

I've got All Alone by Gorillaz stuck in my head now bc of that video up there and I just - I CANT WAIT AAAAA

Gorillaz has become my second favorite band behind MCR, so being into a band that actually still creates new stuff is kind of glorious. It's funny how far my taste in music differs, though. Like, one minute I'll be screaming out lyrics to Party Poison and jumping around like a kangaroo to calmly laying on my basement couch loving every second of On Melancholy Hill. Even though my all time favorite music genre has got to be rock, I pretty much like anything that sounds good and is well written. I've often expressed my distaste for country music, but I actually like it when it's done right, not some of that weirdo stuff on the radio nowadays (no offense to anyone who likes that stuff, it's just not my thing). I spent a week in good ol' Wyoming, where all they seemed to play on the radio was country, and afterward I had a much higher appreciation for the genre.

That's not to say that I can sit and listen to it for hours. It's not something I need nor want in my life XD

Okay, this might seem random, but I've always wondered what would happen if I made a YouTube channel. I don't even know what kind of videos I would make lol...but I feel like it could be a fun hobby to make videos every now and then. I don't have anything good to record with family doesn't really have the kind of money to spend on stuff like that (I mean...there's seven of us) unless I asked for a nice camera for Christmas (which I did because I want to get into photography). I didn't get one though because I also asked for a digital art tablet and got that instead. I'm SO pumped to use it though, as I meant to ask for one LAST year and forgot. Ive essentially been waiting over a year for this dang tablet XD

And I certainly don't have the money to get a good camera. I'm pretty much always broke, so the fact that - currently - I've been able to save like $70 for a few months is a record. Maybe I could get one if I really tried to save, but I'm not very patient *sweatdrops*

*dances* one of the seniors that drives me to school just texted that we don't had to drive to school early so yay for an extra twenty minutes of sleep XD

Because I have a hard time with the falling asleep aspect of sleeping, this is critical for my survival in first period tomorrow

*le gasp* crud...I think I have a math test tomorrow...that on top of retaking a French test...UGHHH NO I don't wanna deal with this right now

Whale...if anyone is up for talking, PLEASE message me or something bc I'm really lonely and bored with no one to talk to but you guys haha so hmu or whatever you kids say these days *waves cane*

Keep it cool,
Stay in school.
Flower power,

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