Chapter 8 - The Ackerman Art Competition

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It was five thirty in the morning and a massive trumpet was being blown from downstairs as Levi played a load of Christmas songs from playing the trumpet which made Kenny who was sleeping on the sofa nearly have a heart attack and the older kids with messy bed heads walk down the stars as if they were zombies. It wasn't long before a confused Hanji came down the stairs and the entire family looked at the father as if he were a mad man.

"right, you guys wanted Ackerman Art competition day, you are getting the Ackerman art competition day. So in this hat, there is five different types of artistic projects you all have to do within the next 12 hours. I want you to take these seriously and I want you to either work on a theme together or do the theme yourself, so here are the pick a topic, you are not allowed to swap or change it, you have to work on 12 hours and it cannot be sloppy, if it's sloppy you are not going to get great scores. You are not allowed any adult help unless it is severely needed such as turning on an oven, or using sharp objects, once your project is done, you put it on the presenting table and you come up with a speech of what you did, what you liked about it and why you should win the competition and when you pick out your project you say what it is you got" Levi explained and all the kids looked excited.

"Reiner, you are technically the oldest by three minutes, pick your first" Levi instructed and Reiner got his pick and looked at the piece of paper. And was very confused with what he got.

"knitting?, dad how am I supposed to do knitting, I can't knit, can I change?"

"THE HAT HAS SPOKEN!" Levi spoke in a goofy voice moving towards Ymir who was the second oldest...technically. "pick through the hat of creativity my oldest daughter" Ymir put her hand in the bag and kept trying to find a good piece of paper which was buying a lot of time "we have twelve hours not years" he joked making her glare and he just laughed.

"piano" she said and looked at the near off busted black piano that was isolated in the corner of the open dining room which made Levi slightly sad but moved onto the third oldest child.

"BAKING!" Sasha cheered and everyone had faces of fear but due to her age Levi had a plan.

"Sasha Ackerman, since you are young for the kitchen, you will have adult supervision, choose your adult" Levi instructed and Sasha looked at her three choices and had the perfect choice.

"UNCLE KENNY!" she cheered which confused Levi but shrugged it off.

"you think I can't cook guess where I got the skills from" Levi slyly muttered under his breath and moved to his fourth oldest which was his beloved Mikasa. "youngest daughter, chose your project"

"painting" she celebrated and it was all up to Armin with the final choice.

"custom shoes?"

"SERIOUSLY WHY COULDN'T I GET THAT, Armin swap?" Reiner complained and Levi parted the two away from each other.

"THE HAT HAS SPOKEN!" he cheered making Hanji laugh because she never heard him act goofy like this. Usually he's just a moody man who reads and smokes. "now you little gremlins follow me to the table sitting in the you can see there are five piles of money, each pile has $250.00 you use this money for your art projects only, nothing else, so I expect you to go all out on these projects and since it is six now, you should be able to finish at six and we will present your ideas at seven in the evening, pick up your pile and do what you need to do.

"father, what do I do, I'm on piano duty?" Ymir asked and Levi shrugged.

"I'm an adult and not aloud to give you any help but ideas, you could get lessons, costume for the performance...I don't know, think about it" he said and Ymir just huffed and puffed. All the kids picked up their piles of cash and Kenny took them to the shopping centre straight away.

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