Chapter 12 - Moving On

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Hanji dressed up smart wearing a pale yellow shirt and a black pencil skirt with skin coloured tights finished with some high black platforms. Hanji walked down the halls to make it to the assembly where Erwin was proudly standing on the stage in front of the entire school happy to see everyone all in line. Hanji stood by the new teachers as the final year of students came walking in to sit down.

"okay...welcome Rose Students, I am so grateful to be your new headmaster and I hope you have a great year in this school...I helped build this place because you all deserve the right to be educated and treated like most kids from Maria schools and Sina Schools, and I cannot wait to start this year with a bang...especially with your new science teacher Miss Hanji Zoe who will be glad to teach all of you all kinds of sciences...mostly chemistry and biology" Erwin said making the brunette smile as the whole room clapped "I am honoured for everyone to be here and I can assure you this will be the best school anyone could go to...have a lovely day" Erwin finished his speech and came off the stage to walk over towards Hanji and took a deep breath "how was it, I felt shaky"

"great Erwin as always...ready to give me the tour"

Erwin walked Hanji around the school showing her everything and all the classrooms. The school was quite a big school and had many different compartments such as languages, academics, arts, science, geography, history buildings scattered around.

" where you will be living five days a week 8:00 till 16 hundred hours" Erwin said and guided Hanji into the science block and she fell completely and utterly in love with it. The blonde guided the brunette into a specific classroom which was rather plain and her love just disappeared "now I know it isn't as glamourous as the science halls but this here is your classroom...see, it says Miss Zoe on the door" Erwin added making Hanji laugh brushing a few strands of hair away from her glasses "do whatever you want in this room, decorate to you hearts content...and also you teach eleventh grade in biology at 9:00 till 10:45, seventh grade is chemistry which is 11:00 till 12:45 and ninth grade 14:45 till 15:30 got it?" Erwin ordered making Hanji giggle. "I'll leave you to be in your new office" the blonde joked and Hanji laughed a little to herself taking everything in.

The move was extremely hard for her but she knew the best thing to do was to let go and move on.


Back in Maria editors and publishers, Levi is in the grand office smoking a cigarette and filing all kinds of paperwork bear in mind he hadn't smoked since he started dating Hanji but due to his kids not being around he found the excuse to light one up as he isn't taking the whole break up situation well especially the kids, again they are driving him insane so he decided as he found all the videotapes of Petra for the kids, he build the attic to be 'mommy's room' so if the kids want a place to talk or feel close to their mother, they can go into the attic and watch a tape and feel at ease but since most tapes are labelled for specific dates and achievements for the kids lives, it was hard to have everything in line.

Levi typed on his computer editing all the workers books that they are trying to get edited to send over to Sina publishers but he just cant be bothered. Levi cleared his throat and swirled the chair trying to think about what to do to make the editing better but his mind was just blank, complete writers block drowned the man.

"Mr Ackerman you have an interviewee ready to see you" someone from the front desk of the company spoke through a speaker and Levi pressed a red button to communicate back.

"thanks Marie, send them up" Levi spoke before cracking his knuckles.

It wasn't long until a young blond man with a slight growing beard came walking into the grand office as Levi quickly got up to shake the young mans hand who was holding a book written by Hanji about all the science discoveries she did in the passed but the single father cleared his throat and let the young man sit down.

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