Hi there, so I've noticed I already got some views!! Thank you so much
Anyway lil burritos, here's the first official chapter
Error's POV
Its been years since I've joined Nightmares crew. Its.... interesting, to say the least.I've never thought that I could be a pirate but here we are. I've got to know the others better since we started. Its nice to not be the only murderer around. Well, I don't know everything about them, just that we all had our share of this cruel world.
Nightmare made me his right hand man. We've been pretty much everywhere on the map, raiding villages and finding treasures. Hell, we even found a siren. Lust.
To be exact Horror caught him with a fishing net. It was the first time I saw Horror like this. He actually protected the damn thing. Even if I didn't agree, Nightmare let him stay.
" He could be useful, we never know.."
Turns out he was right. Without Lust, we wouldn't have found the map to the locket.
We've been on his trail for a few weeks now. The captain seems determined to find it. However, the last clue left us with pretty much nothing.
I'm currently steering the ship. Killer pestering me at my side...
" Sooooooooooo, why haven't we found anything yet?"
How annoying...
" I ToLd YOu, We'RE wOrKInG oN iT."
"But Dust said that we just need to find the X creed or whatever. It shouldn't be that hard."
" We ArE wORkIng oN iT kILler, NoW gO BaCk tO wOrk."
He let out a very long sigh and walked to back his post. I swear sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting these idiots.
I jumped a bit. I turned to see that Nightmare was on deck.
"I need to speak to you" he said with a frown on his face
" FElL. TAkE oVEr"
"Yes boss"
" I tOlD yOu Not To CaLl Me ThAt."I say as I walk to Nightmare
"WHaT iS It CapTaIn"
"Not here, follow me"
Whatever he wants to talk about, it looks serious. Last time I saw him like this is when we ran in the Starcrew. A shiver of disgust went down my spine as I remember that day.
We reach the captains study, closing the door behind us.
" iS EvERytHinG aLrIghT CaPtAin? YoU sEEm....BoThErEd."
"We need to change course"
"WHaT? WHy Is ThAT?"
"Well...something caught my attention. A strong wave of overwhelming negitivity."
Ah, I see. Nightmare had the ability to sense negative emotions. I'm the only one on the ship that knows tho. Since I figured out that Dream was his brother.
" WHerE dOEs It ComE fRom?" I ask
" There. We don't have much time, I'm sure that traitor will try to find it as well." He points in at an island he circled
" WHy dO yOu wANt tO iT fInD ThO. I'm NoT QuEsTinNinG yOu, JuSt curIouS."
"You're my right hand man, it's your job to question me Error."
I nodded
" Whatever caused this amount of negitivity must be powerful. After all, we are looking for something with that kind of power. The chances of it behind the locket are slim, but I prefer not to take any chances..."
Nightmare explained"ALrIghT tHeN, We'Ll SeT cOuRse WeAsT." I say before turning to the door.
"Let's be careful. We never know if we'll run into...them"
"YeS cAPitAIn."
After that, I left. Going back to my post and changing our trajectory. And of course, Killer and Dust had to question my every move
"Where are we going?" Dust asked
" Did captain find something!?" Killer said. Clearly exited for the upcoming battles.
"QUeStiOn mE aGaIn AnD I'LL tIe YoU tO ThE sIdE oF tHe sHip."
They went silent and left.
As always, everyone started to get to work. Reaper was in the Crows nest, Geno was in the medic's cabin, Dust, Killer and the humans were on deck. Sci was cleaning, Horror was cooking and Fell was with me.
To be honest, this whole thing makes me uneasy. Something tells me that whatever we'll find isn't what we're expecting.
Ha! Not what you thought right?
We're almost there!! They're going to meet the giant Oreo soon. YAY!
Lol, anyway, here you go guys. Hope it wasn't to bad for you. 👁️👅👁️