desert island

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Hey there, I just wanted to say thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the story so far
Here's an other chapter for you


Cross POV
Its been a long time since the event happened. I don't know how long exactly, seems like time doesn't exist anymore. Why bother, I'll die in a couple of days anyway. To be honest, I don't feel that much alive. Maybe I did die...

The only thing I can do is sleep. There's nothing left on this island. I might be losing my mind. Over the last couple days, I've been seeing things that aren't there. Like boats or trees. Sometimes, I even see them. Everytime they appear, the memories of them dying come back.


I let out a deep tired sigh. I've been laying on the sand for what feels like months. Maybe I should walk a bit.

I get up from from the ground for the first time since the event.

"Wow..." I whisper to myself

I forgot how the ocean looks like. I've only been staring at the grey sky for god now's how long. The sounds of the waves, the wind and the rustle of the sand...brings me back.

I decide to walk around for a bit. Should I look for food? There's nothing left tho. Oh well, why not. Its not like I have anything better to do anyways.

I start walking in the direction of the creeds hide out.

"Maybe I could find something there."

I can't help thinking about everything as I walk back to what use to be my home. Well, what's left of it anyway.
I look around in the rubble. There really isn't nothing left but old planks and...

"What's that.."

A glimpse of light catches my eye. Its...a door? Well not exactly, more like a trap door. How weird. How come I never noticed that before. Its right where the training room use to be.

I know I shouldn't investigate but curiousity is my greatest flaw. I get closer and reach for the handle.
Its cold...weird. we're in the middle of summer, it's boiling outside.

I tug at it to see if it's locked. At my suprise, it opened almost on its own.
I peeked my head down to see a ladder going under ground.

"What the.."

We have a basement? Or is it a bunker? Was it there all along?
I have so many questions right now

Curiosity got the best of me as I start to climb down the ladder.

Its dark down here. I continue climbing down for what's seems forever. Why would they dig this deep? Did dad-.................

..Did Gaster know about this?
Finally I reach the bottom.

" I can't see sh*t"
I summon a bone and my magic illuminates the room.

Its a small concrete room with crates and swords laying around. The roof look like it's about to fall.

"I shouldn't stay here to long"

I was about to leave before something caught my attention.

Its a painting. A painting of the creed. Its seems like it was before I was born. Gaster looks younger and everybody else was smiling.


Wait...who's that.
By Gaster's side, stands a women...

She has black hair falling to behind her knees. Her eyes are white and she's wearing a long white dress. She...looks pregnant..

The sudden realization hits me.


My mother...she...she died giving birth to me... I never got to see her.

She's... beautiful.

I get closer to the painting. Oh? Shes wearing a necklace. No, more like a locket. Its beautiful.

I wonder if Gaster knew Chara and Frisk mom while he was with mine. Probably seeing as Chara only is.......was two years younger then me.


Infront of the painting was a little table with a jewelery chest on it.

I once again let my curiousity get the best of me and open the chest.

"I- wha-?"

Its the locket! My mother's necklace...
I gently pick it up from the chest to examin it.

It was a golden heart shaped locket...

For a minute there, I get lost in my thoughts.

Maybe I can keep it?

Its not like Gaster can prevent me from doing so now. It was my mother's after all.

I gently put it on, observing it hanging around my neck before looking back in the chest.

Theres something else in it. A bottle?
With a message in it. I reach in and grab it, opening the bottle before pulling the message out.

" Hello sweety,
If you are reading this it's because your father finally thinks you're ready. This is my locket. It holds a very powerful magic. I was once it's guardian. My job was to keep it safe from people that might use it for evil. I know I might not survive your birth and I wanted to make sure you know this before passing the burden on to you. We are the only bloodline able to hold it without going crazy for it's power.Our elders have protected the locket for centuries, today it is your turn. I know you'll make a perfect guardian. I want you to know that I don't blame you for my death and that I love and be with you always. There's nothing you can't do my little Crossy.

I love you

Tears roll down my face as I read the final words of the letter. I can't believe it. All this time, my mother's message was right here. And a guardian. My mother was a god damn guardian. I don't think I've ever felt like this before. I...I'm a guardian now.

Before I could think of anything else, the floor started to shake


I look up at the celling to see it start to crumble.

"I have to get out of here!"

I ran for the ladder, taking one last look at my mother before climbing as fast as I could. Feeling the room under me fall to ruins, I reach the top just in time.

"*Pant* that *pant* was a close one"I say trying to catch my breath.

After I could breath normally again, I start walking back to the beach where I've been sleeping for days.

I have to find a way off this island. I'm the only one left in this bloodline. I can't die now or the guardians will be over.

Is that...nah I'm hallucinating again.

Ill go back to laying on the ground.

"Why would a boat be coming here of all places. Its a deserted island."


Oh for God's sake!
I get up again to make sure it was just an hallucination.

Its not? No it's not! Oh my god I'm saved!




I start to run back to the town's ruins, if pirates are coming, it's for the locket.

As the new guardian,

I can't let that happen


There you go every one.

Now for updates, I'll try to do it every two days or so. Sometimes inspiration will strike me and I'll write two chapters. What I trying to say is that I'll try my best to keep updating when I have time 🙂

Thanks for understanding and have a good day everyone!

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