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Hey guys, just a warning, next week is exams week!!

Only one week left until summer break

On that note, I might have more trouble getting chapters out on time due to studying 😖

I hope that it won't be too much of a bother 😅

Without further delay, here's the next chapter!!


Cross POV

I can't believe how things escalated this quickly...

Wasn't I just planning our escape days ago ...



And now I'm in the ship of the most feared pirates of all, sitting in the corner of my cell while waiting for the one who's gonna show me around...


How did this happen..

"You let it happen Cross"


"WHO SAID THAT!!" I jump to my feet, looking around for the person the voice belongs to...

"Heh,you know...deep down you know who I am" the voice says

I spin around

"You can' died!!"

"And who's fault is that"

I suddenly freeze...


"I didn't mean to...I was right there...."

"Yet again you let father kill me before you killed him.."

I summon my twin blades as I find myself with my back to the bars of the cell


"There you go... I knew you weren't that clueless....Cross"

I scream, my soul pounding in my chest

All the guilt, all the pain, the anger came back to me

"Your little necklace there....."

I look down at the locket hanging around my neck...

"You are you here?"

I look up to find myself face to face with my brother's ghostly figure.


My eyes grew wide and my breath hitches

"Chara...." I say in a choked whisper

"Yes? Cross?  Can you....can you see me?" He asks, visible shock plastered on his face

I nod slowly, shaking a bit as my dead little brother was talking to me...

"Heh...heheheHA!" Chara starts to laugh , a crooked smile appear on his face

Oh my god....

He....he's right there but...

Flashbacks of his death ran threw my head


Where is Frisk...


He...died but...

If Chara's here then...

Why is Chara...

"-e- y-u"

I can't.....



I snap out of my fase to see that I was moved...

My left cheek is tingling a bit as my vision comes back

I didn't realize my breathing got rash and tears rolled down my face...

I see...

my old friend the panic attack

Wait who-

"What tf was that man!"

A guy with black tears interrupted my thoughts

He is crouched down to my level

Did he slap me?

"You didn't die did you, cus then I can't kill you."

I look him straight in the eyes

And take a deep breath in

"There you go!
I was worried I had to wake Geno up from his nap to save your sorry ass"

He said, rolling his none visible eyelights

"W-who are you.."

"Heya new crewmate, I'm Killer! And you are?"

Ah... I remember now..

The chatty one..

"Cross..." I whisper as a response

"Well then Cross, if you're done doing whatever you were doing before...I'll show you around your new...home!"

He says with a rather creepy smile

He gets up and hands me his hand

I push it out of my face and get up as well

He looks at me with a dead look in his eyes

His expression suddenly change , ignoring my rejection

"Well then, let's get started!"

I look around me to realize that I was standing outside of my cell...

He must have dragged me out..

I look back at him again to see that he was inspecting me


"This is the bottom of the vessel ! As you can see the--and!----" He speaks

I chose to not really listen, only able to catch bits here and there...

I only looked as he showed me the lower deck

My attention was brought back tho when he took me to the deck itself

"And here is the deck! Everyone has their jobs on the ship so try not to get in the way or you might lose a finger!" He said giggling to himself

These people are crazy

" There there's the infirmary, that's where our medic is. Quick tip, don't go in there unless you really need to...Geno is pretty feisty.

I nod, showing him that I understood...

There are a lot of people here.



There you go, I know it's short but I didn't have a lot of time to spare today
I apologize

Anyway, hope you still enjoyed this chapter

See you in the next chap 👁️👅👁️

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