Hi there
Don't have much to say other that I appreciate and love each and everyone of you :)
So without further a do, here's the next chapter
_________________________________________Cross POV
I was shocked when we got close enough to the island to actually see it
The town I thought was covering the island was in reality a huge abandoned city!
I couldn't help but to stare in awe as we got off the ship
Even with half of the houses run down and in ruins, the city was standing tall and strong as if it was indestructible
"Are you seeing this...." I silently whispered to Chara that has been floating quietly beside me for what seems like the first time since we got into this mess...
"Its...impressive" He responds wide eyed
It's like nothing we've ever seen
The castle is huge! It's in the back of the city as it seems to tower over the entire island. The dark walls and towers gives it an obscure appearance and the main gate is the only entrance and exit in sight....
The houses were made out of sturdy concrete walls, the roofs were built with planks of wood that seem like they don't come from this island and small broken windows were giving them a more open look...
Where are we....
Did they raid this place?
Can we really call this a small base?
My thoughts were interrupted by the captain....
"As for you... try anything and you're dead." He said as he locked eyes with me, making me shiver in fear
After Nightmare assigned everyone to their task, he walks away towards the city
Leaving me with Error and the rest
God, I really need to find a way to escape this ship.....
I look up as I hear Error call my name. He looked exhausted, which surprises me a bit...
he looked like the kind of person that would think of sleep as a weakness...
He raised a brow at my confused expression and turns to face what looks like a fire pit on the beach, then back at me
"StArT tHe fIrE fOr tOnIgHt aNd HeLp ThE oThErS lOaD ThE ShIp OnCe ThEy'Re bAcK" He orders me
I frown
They won't even let me leave their sight for a second....
Can't I have a moment where I can be safe for once!
I'm talking to you you filthy world
"ThE fIrE sTaRtErs aRe iN tHe cRaTe NeXT to yOu...i'M wAtiChInG yoU sO dON'T dO AnyThInG stUpId oR ElsE."
I simply nod,
Trust me Error, I couldn't do anything right now even if I wanted to...
I grab the supplies for the fire from the crate and make my way towards the pit
It's a pretty lage rock pit with multiple logs and old benches probably from the city's houses...
Man there's even a big red comfortable looking couch facing the sea, the fire pit standing between them
I wonder how long have they used this island as home base
I crouch down to start the fire, but as soon as spark lights up I freeze...