clearing things up lol

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Hi guys! Some of you commented on the last chapter about how it was a bit confusing. I'll try to clear it up for you the best I can. I prefer you guys to have a clear picture of the story to fully enjoy it soooo here we go!

The Island
Yeah this one is a bit complex. You see, the island Cross is on is where he grew up. I talk about it a lil bit in his backstory. The island is called Underverse.( You see the reference ;) )
As for how it looks 😅

Sorry about the confusion. I tried to describe it how I saw it in my head but I was a bit vague.

I assume you saw Disney's movie Moana.(or whatever it's called where you live 😅) Basically Underverse is the same except a lil smaller. There is a town there tho. The chief of the village is Asgore (as you can imagine)

When Cross killed Gaster. The blast of his Gaster blaster was so powerful that it destroyed almost everything with a blinding explosion of light. Killing everything and everyone except for its magic holder, which is Cross himself.

After the blast, the island is almost only sand and ashes. The only thing standing really is the town's ruins. Wich is where Cross attacked Killer and Dust in the last chap.

The dust filled the air and caused a big grey cloud to appear, covering the entire island. ( So you can imagine a rainy day sky but without the rain, if you prefer)

There are a few dead tree still standing. But they're mainly just ash standing. So if Cross touched them, they would fall apart. (Idk if that helps)

I could try to find an image of you prefer. I'll put it up on the next chap.

Time splits

I realized that the time between the chapters events were a bit odd. Sorry about that. Here. I'll make a chain to clear it up.

First thing that happened was Nightmares backstory.

He found his crew and set sail 4 years before Cross backstory happened. Which is why Nightmare only felt Cross's emotions four years after he made the crew.

It took 3 days for Nightmare to find Underverse. That is also the time that Cross was alone for.

I know he talks like it's been ages but after the event happened, Cross went numb and didn't count the days that went by. Which is why he thinks he's dead at some point. For him, it's been weeks but in reality, it's only been 3 days. He thinks that it's impossible for him to survive weeks without food.
(You can survive 8 to 21 days without food irl, so I imagined it was the same for monsters)

Then he found the underground bunker where the locket was.

And finally Nightmares crew arrived on the island and that's when the last chapter was about!

I hope this helped to understand the story a little. I like that you guys can reach out and tell me what you don't understand. It helps me to try to prevent that confusion for next chapters. So please feel free to comment your concerns.

Thank you all for the support ☺️
I hope you have a wonderful day or night ( whatever time it is when you're reading this)

See you in the next chapters!!

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