Hey there, been a while. I'll try writing again. Sorry for the long pause 😅
You might notice a slight change in my writing style btw
Hope you still like it!
Cross POV
We are arriving closer to the island Killer mentioned before. He told me it was like their base where they keep all their important supplies and finds
Everyone on deck seemed to be busy getting things ready to unload the ship for once we get there.
Killer and Dust are below deck right now, trying to keep the side of the ship from crumbling apart and sinking us.
I'm currently moving supply crates to the deck, trying to help out a little and avoid getting myself killed by one of these psychos by drawing attention to myself
They're not all to bad tho...
Geno can be overbearing but I figured that it's because he cares a lot about the others. He reminds me of a mother trying to keep her children from doing something stupid. As far as I can tell tho, it's not really working,
I chuckle to myself as I remember Geno kicking Killer's ass for hurting himself by tripping down the stairs...
Lust is timid, but confident. It's strange that he's willingly staying with these brutes... he's the total opposite...
It's a nice change of pace to be around himHe reminds me of Frisk...
Error is okay too. I admire how good of a leader he is to be honest. I noticed that his glitching gets worst when someone stands to close... I'll keep that in mind, it might be his weakness
Killer is odd and I can't really tell how he really feels about anything really. But, he seems like he's got my back
... for now..I can't let my guard down here
They could probably all kill me in my sleep if they wanted to
Ironic isn't it
The son of the leader of the most feared assassin creed in the world is afraid of pirates....
Not any pirates...
Nightmare's crew. The assassins of the seas....
I still get chills when I think about what happened yesterday. I'm glad I was able to make him believe my story. I can't seem to get his eyes out of my head tho
The bright percent cyan eyes that makes my soul shiver
It looked as if he could see right through me
If he knew the truth, I would definitely be dead by now
Or maybe worst
"So... what's the plan?" Chara asked as he floated next to me
"W-What?" I ask, a bit startled by his suden appearance, snapping me right out of my thoughts
"You've been standing there holding the same crate for like, three minutes Cross. You only do that when you're thinking you know." He says pointing at the box Im holding
I forgot how observant Chara can be
"So tell me, how are we gonna get out of this mess" He asked while crossing his arms
"Chara we've already talked about this... not now." I whisper, sighing as I put the crate down with the rest
"I know what you said but, I am sick of waiting! I'm stuck with you now, remember. I can't go farther then ten feet away from you!" Chara complains throwing his arms around angrily.