rule 17

813 42 9

Hi , sorry I missed the deadline, I got distracted lol

Hope you like this chapter


Cross POV


I jump at the sudden yelling, summoning a blade out of habit.
Something I picked up from living with assassins

I look in the direction where the voice came from..

Who the hell-

Oh shit

It's the guy with the hole in his head...
He doesn't look happy

"Hey Horror, wassup!" Killer says greeting the guy

That fits too well

"You're the guy that teleported!" He says, pointing right at me

I lift my blade up a bit, he almost cut my head clean off last time I saw him. No way am I letting my guard down around him

Sweat drops from my forehead as he gets closer

"Woaw there bud! No need for weapons." Killer says, pointing towards the blade I'm holding

He sounds a bit surprised by my reaction.

This didn't stop Horror from getting right in my face tho....

" So..... how'd you do it?" He asks, a few centimeters away from me


I didn't respond.

His flashing red eye sends shivers down my spine. I'm sure everyone on the ship are looking at us by now

"How?" He asks with a sterner voice

I can't really tell you, I don't know myself idiot. I can't tell him that tho....

"Why should I tell you..." I finally answer, my voice not as confident as I would of liked

He frowns a bit, clearly unsatisfied of my answer...

"C'mon man I just wanna know.." he says with a large grin spreading across his face..

"HoRrOr, bAcK OfF!"

Geez these guys like to butt in on conversations, this must be the second time or something ...

I look up to the person speaking, recognizing the glitch instantly.

He is glaring at the Horror guy as a red squeleton was steering the wheel beside him

I know that guy, he's the guy from the fight...Fell right?

The glitchy skeleton interrupts my thoughts

" LeAvE tHe kNeW gUy AlOnE AnD gEt bAcK tO wOrK" he said

He must be the second in command if he can order people around like that..

Horror scoffs and walks away, leaving me standing in a battle stance with a blade in my hands.

"Well then! Don't know what you did to piss him off but I still need to give you a tour!". Killer says, his usual cheery voice piercing through the silence the sceen caused.

I unsumon my blade a stand back up to look at him

"That was Horror, our cook! The glitchy one is Error, our second in command and the red squeleton is Fell! Fell is usually with Error since he's learning how to sail!" Killer explains

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