Chapter 9

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"... And darling let me tell you a secret. In my heart we are always kissing."

- Alexandra Vasiliu

Author's POV

Chanhee looks around nervously as he sat beside Hyunjae, looking down quickly when Sangyeon looked at him with a frown. Chanhee recognized him as the owner of the cafe he went to with Hyunjae. He wondered why they acted like they didn't knew each other. "So won't you introduce your guest to us?" Mrs.Lee asked. "Oh uh... well this is my older brother Sangyeon. This is my dongsaeng Juyeon. You two are of same age. And she is my mom." Hyunjae introduces. Chanhee bows at them lightly. "I know you. You study in Seoul University." Juyeon spoke up. Chanhee opens his mouth. Juyeon smiles. "We are in the same class." He says. "Oh... I didn't noticed you." Chanhee says shyly. "Well you do stay away from everyone so it is understandable." Juyeon says with a kind smile. "So what's your name sweetie?" Hyunjae's mother spoke up.

"Choi Chanhee ma'am." Chanhee said feeling nervous. "What is your relationship with my son?" She further asked. Chanhee bits his lip. What were they? "I am courting him mom" Hyunjae says. Chanhee's face turns red at that. Mina hums. Sangyeon looking at Juyeon in surprise. "Dad is not going to be happy." He says looking at Juyeon sharply. Hyunjae narrow his eyes at his brother. "I don't care hyung. I am not like you. I don't want to stuck with someone who dad choses for me. I want to choose someone for myself. Someone I like." Hyunjae says.

Chanhee gulps feeling the tension in the air. "Hyunjae come on. I would like to talk to you alone." Sangyeon says standing as he exits the kitchen. Chanhee almost wanted to run away. Hyunjae sighs as he turns to Chanhee. "Don't worry. Start eating with mom and Juyeon." He says as he gets up and walked out. He finds Sangyeon in the living room. "I didn't knew you were serious about him." Sangyeon says as soon as Hyunjae appears in front of him. The male stays silent letting the older speak.

"When you came to my cafe with him I didn't knew you were this serious. Courting him? I can understand how you feel Hyunjae. But would it be good to defy what dad wants for you." Sangyeon questions. "Are you really willing to let dad dictate your life? Well lucky you that you found Haknyeon and you fell for him. But me? As I have said hyung I am not like you. Dad has tried to set me up with many people but take a look! All of them are just there for more power and money and I am not even interested in any of them." Hyunjae says frustrated.

"I don't know what's your problem hyung. You are okay with Juyeon dating Eric but you are not fine with me courting Chanhee? That's ridiculous." Hyunjae scoffs. "You know why I am like this! Do you even think of what dad will do when he finds out about Chanhee?! You know dad will do anything. To you. Or to him. And when it comes to Eric, he is the son of dad's bestfriend. So even if he doesn't come from the well off family dad won't mind." Sangyeon hisses with a frown.

Hyunjae looks at him with a blank face. "I don't care hyung. This is the first time I have felt these feelings. And whatever these feelings are I treasure them. I have never felt this way with anyone else." He says in a firm tone. His words makes Sangyeon's face soften. The older breathes out giving up. "Okay fine. If you are that committed then I hope you know what you are doing. And I do hope you are ready to fight dad for him." Sangyeon said referring to Chanhee. "I will." Hyunjae says in a promising tone.

They went back to where others were. "Sit down you two. Start eating." Mina says to her two sons who does so immediately taking their seats. "So Hyunjae are you really serious about Chanhee here?" She asked. Chanhee couldn't really tell what elder felt. She was good at hiding her emotions. "Yes mom." Hyunjae answers confidently. Mina just hums. "Okay then. I support." She says revealing a dazzling smile. It made Chanhee feel more relaxed.

They all started eating then. Everyone trying to know Chanhee better. The conversation became easier and went smoothly. After they were done Chanhee decided it was time for him to go as he had to go to work. Hyunjae offered to drive him back to his home. Chanhee reluctantly agreed.

"On our first date... At the cafe. Why did you acted like you didn't knew your brother?" Chanhee asked later as they sat inside the car, Hyunjae driving towards where Chanhee's house was. Hyunjae clears his throat. "I don't know to be honest. I am not that close to him. So I never told him about you. He did had a plan to open a cafe but I didn't know it was the one where we were meeting." He answers. Chanhee hums as he leans back.

"Why are you not cloee with him though? He seems nice." Chanhee stated looking out the window. "He is nice I know. We just have... Different views on some things. It makes it unable for us to be as close as I am with Juyeon. He doesn't mind our dad dictating our lives. Or maybe he is just lucky that he is able to find happiness in whatever father chooses for him. I am not like that. It is the biggest reason why we often argue." Hyunjae answers in a sad tone.

Chanhee looks at him feeling bad for the older. "I shouldn't have asked. I feel like .... I intruded." He says trailing off slowly. Hyunjae shook his head. "No it is fine. You are bound to find out about my life one day or another." Hyunjae says. His words makes Chanhee feel warm inside making him smile a little. A comfortable silence settled between them after that. No words exchanged.

After a while they reached Chanhee's house. They both got off the car. "So I guess this is it for today." Hyunjae says lookung at the younger. "You can always text me or talk to me though. And you can come visit if you want to." Chanhee nervously says. "I was not kidding you know." Hyunjae suddenly stated. "Huh?" Chanhee looks at him a bit confused. "About courting you." The older clarifies. "I know." Chanhee says shyly.

"I will go in now." He adds. Hyunjae nods. He pulls the younger in a hug, kissing the top of his head. He then got back in the car putting on the seatbelt. "Drive safely. Have a nice day hyungie." Chanhee says waving. Hyunjae waves back with a smile. The younger watches as the car drives away. With another smile he walks up to his house opening the front door and got it. He had to go to work early for the day. He had a lot to tell to his friends.


I know this aint much but omg it was so hard to find time to write with all the streaming we went through ㅠㅠ Hope you liked this thought.

Feedbacks are always appreciated 😭😭 I legit wrote this while trying not to doze off. I love you all guys. Stay tuned for next chapter. Byeeee 💜

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