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The cold ground didn't bother Loki at all. In fact, if he didn't see where he was standing, he'd think his feet were touching the smooth stone floor in the Palace.

On the other hand, both his siblings, Hela and Thor, were trying to seem like they weren't cold, but their uncontrollable shaking would give it away to a child.

The three siblings were walking through the icy landscape of Jotunheim, one of the nine realms protected by Asgard. It was a place of Loki's birth.

Loki's been there a multiple times, first, he went there with his mother. He met the Frost Giants and revealed his true form. He met his father, his uncle and his children and he learned about the life of Frost Giants.

But he chose to stay on Asgard. He felt like home there. Well, at least more than in Jotunheim.

Asgard had good relations with Jotunheim. Since Loki was most likely to sit on Asgard's throne, one of his cousins would sit on Jotunheim's, and since they were all his childhood friends, he was sure all would go smoothly.

It had to, otherwise an event of catastrophic level would go down.

The Queen, Frigga, was sick. She was just talking about peace with an ambassador of the Havun folk when she was poisoned.

The Havun were a small nation living on a moon in the same solar system as Asgard. As they weren't very technically evolved, they weren't considered a threat to Asgard.

But now, someone put a spoonful of poison in the Queen's wine. The problem was, the poisonous substance was quite rare. In a form of powder, the main ingredient was a flower only found growing on the very same moon the Havun were living on.

It was a quick process, really. The ambassador was currently at Asgard's dungeons, at least until the situation was resolved. Frigga stayed in her chambers, laying in bed, the best healers of the nine realms surrounding her.

And the three siblings were sent to Jotunheim to retrieve an antidote.

The door to the throne room appeared. Beautiful ornaments made of gemstones were proudly displayed on the walls of the hall. At the back of the room, sitting on the simpler throne made out of one piece of solid black stone was Laufey, the king of Jotunheim.

The relationship between Loki and him was alright, well... maybe a bit awkward. After all, Odin basically stole him as a child, and even though the official story was that he thought they left him in the Palace to die, Loki and his siblings, Laufey and Frigga all knew it wasn't exactly true.

"Welcome, Loki. You too, Hela and Thor. What matter brings you here?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Frigga, The Queen, was poisoned. The main ingredient of the antidote to the poison, the root of the black rose, can be found here. We beg you, please give some to us. We'll pay whatever you'd want," Loki told him, as a royal to a royal.

"Please, I'll give it to you as a gift. While I'll send someone to get it for you, will you join me for a drink?" The king answered with a genuine smile.

The three siblings, relieved, bowed their heads to show respect and gratitude.

"Gladly," Loki said, softly smiling in return.

The king stood up. Dragging his cape made of fur on the floor, he led the three heroes to the nearest salon, one that Loki knew well from his visits with his mother.

As they entered the room, two of the three siblings gasped at the change - the air had a pleasant warm temperature, as there was a thin line surrounding the walls.

"The room was specifically designed for guests like you. With The Casket as the main power source, everything - from building salons to growing food - is much easier. Thank you for trusting us with it." Laufey said in the sweet political talk.

Loki knew what he would say if he wanted to. Actually, the two shared a similar opinion on the matter. That was, Asgard could've given Jotunheim The Casket much sooner.

Asgard did return it, but only after about three hundred years of holding it in its vaults. There, it was of no use, Asgard had its own energy sources, Asgard didn't need it.

However, the same couldn't be said about Jotunheim.

"We're sorry we couldn't give it to you sooner." Hela said towards the king.

The three siblings and the King talked while drinking hot mead. Mostly, the theme of the conversation was politics.

Some time later, three knocks on the door made of ice were heard.

"Come in," the King said.

A young boy dressed in a white dress walked in, barefood. For him, the ice didn't feel cold.

He bowed only slightly, so that he wouldn't spill any of the substance he was carrying in a bowl made of grey stone.

"Ah, it's here," Laufey said, "thank you, you can go now."

The king took the bowl from the boy who bowed and made his way out through the door.

"Here. Take it to the Queen. And please, send my regards and wishes for her recovery."

"Thank you, we will. We shall go now, but we'll be looking forward to meeting you again." Hela said.

The trio made its way to the place where they landed with the Bifrost, far enough from the palace to not cause any damage to it.

Heimdall was as quick to take them back to Asgard as ever.

"Welcome home," The gatekeeper said once again.

The three nodded at him in response.

"Go, you're the fastest. We can't waste another minute," Loki told Thor.

The blond took the root of the rose, swung his hammer and flew to the Palace.

The other two, Hela and Loki, walked on their feet.

When they came to the throne room, Thor was already waiting at them.

His face was calm, which meant only one thing - The Queen was alright.

"The healers said she showed improvements right after they gave her the antidote. I can't say for myself, I wouldn't understand, but I trust them. Mother is getting better."

A/N: So... Uh... Yeah, a trip to Jotunheim! Now, let'si think about who poisoned Frigga. To be absolutely honest, I'm not 100% sure myself, since I'm kinda running late with writing.

I really need a holiday, but then again, don't we all?

Another thing! Right now, the book is at more than 700 reads, and that's incredible, since it's only been around three months since I published the first chapters. It's crazy, thank you so much, I love every single one of you!

The only thing is, I'm not entirely sure who I love, since there haven't been any comments so far... So, if you like the book, feel free to let me know! Vote, comment, anything, really. And even if you find a mistake of some sort or something like that, I'll be grateful for your help with that.

Well, bye! Hope you're doing well.

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