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The rays of sun fell on Hela's face. She was looking out of the window, the view was mesmerising. It felt good to be back. However, whenever she thought of that, she also realised that her father was somewhere in Helheim, longing for the same sun that was blinding Hela's eyes.

There was no hope for him now. He made the spell unbreakable, it depended on Odin's life. Which meant that it would last as long as he'd be alive.

It's been a few days since Hela returned to Asgard. She declined the throne and gave it to her mother.

It was better like that. Hela has never been one to rule. She was made to be a simple soldier, a weapon who would slay anyone and anything on the king's command. Well, now there was no king. And Hela didn't know what to do.

It was probably for the first time that she really had no idea what she should do next. And it was the first time that she was actually bored, at least since she could remember.

She was in her room, standing on a wooden stool while three servants pinned a dress on her. She actually liked it, emerald was her color. Plus some silver accents, the colors brought out her eyes. But the time it all took...

"You look wonderful." The queen said as she was coming to the room. By the time she came in, the dress was ready.

The servants quickly put down everything that they were holding and bowed. Even Hela bowed her head. Frigga kindly smiled.

Then, she excused them with her hand so that she could talk with her daughter.

"It's truly refreshing to see you wearing something different than armor." The queen said. She didn't say it as if she was critiquing. She said it with a warm smile and that made Hela smile too.

"Thank you, mother. What should I do next?" Hela asked. Just when she said the last word, she realised how independently she must've sounded. But Frigga didn't comment on it anyhow, and Hela was grateful for that.

"I don't know, that's on you," she smiled, and then she continued: "but I am going to a council meeting, so maybe you shall look after your brothers?"

"I will." Hela responded. Then, the queen excused herself. Hela left her chambers and she headed to her brothers.

She made sure to go through the biggest halls, she wanted to be seen. Whenever she met someone, she tried to warmly smile, just like her mother. She hoped that people would like her better that way.

It seemed to be working. Slowly, sure, but it worked. At least they didn't push themselves to the walls just so that they'd be as far away from her as possible.

She sighed and took the final turn. She was standing in front of the Queen's chambers. Though just about a week ago, they were the chambers of the royal pair.

She waited to be announced, and then she stepped in. She smiled at the servant who seemed to be the boys' nanny as she looked after them quite often. The maid quickly bowed.

"You can go, I'll watch them for now. Thank you." She tried to be as kind as possible. The nanny quickly left the room.

Hela looked at her brothers. She didn't know them very much. She spent most of her time on the battlefield, and when she was at home, she was either healing or training more men for the army.

Thor was currently fighting the air with a small sword and Loki was playing with a wooden horse toy.

She chuckled. They looked adorable. Thor was definitely Odin's, just the way he was trying to swing the sword was familiar.

She knew that she and Loki weren't actually related. After all, a few years ago she found him in the castle of Jotunheim.

Odin immediately saw him as a political tool that could ensure "peace". He was Laufey's son, after all. He changed his appearance so that he'd look like an Asgardian, and then they returned home.

Thor didn't know that Loki was adopted. He simply saw a baby boy and was told that it was his brother, so he just claimed that as a fact and didn't question it.

Hela caressed his black hair. It was strange, she thought. Odin controlled exactly how he'd look, yet he chose him to look more like her than Thor.

Perhaps he wanted to replace her with him, perhaps... Perhaps not. She wouldn't know, and there was no way that she could ask him.

"Is it true that you can make blades out of nothing?" She heard a small voice coming from her right.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Is it true that you can make blades out of nothing?" he repeated. "I heard stories about you, they all say that you're a great warrior, even better than the Valkyries! So is it true?"

"Well," she chuckled, "it's not so simple, but I guess one could say that I can conjure daggers out of thin air. Do you want to see it?" she asked.

Thor's eyes widened, Hela could see his excitement. He energetically nodded his head. Even Loki seemed to be excited, even though he couldn't possibly know what was going on.

Hela smiled and then conjured a small dagger. She held it on her palm so that Thor could examine it. But before he could do so, the small black-haired baby grabbed the dagger.

Loki giggled and quickly started crawling away. Hela's eyes widened.

"Loki! No, wait!" She ran after him. She quickly caught him, took the blade ftom him and then she spun him in the air. Both Thor and Loki were laughing.

"You're a little trickster, aren't you?" She said, carefully tickling the laughing baby. "You're one for mischief, am I right?" she smiled.

"I guess that daggers are okay. But I'd rather fight with Mjolnir!" Thor said excitedly. Then, he began hitting imaginary enemies with an imaginary hammer.

Hela knew the weapon well. After all, she used to fight with it. She just smiled at Thor who was shouting at her to look how he slays the imaginary monster with his imaginary weapon.

Though she didn't see him. She saw flashes of memories of the most famous battles. She only recently realised how wrong it all was, how many people she killed.

How many warriors in the armies that she destroyed had a husband or a wife? How many of them had children? She could only imagine.

She was drawn out of her daydreaming by a high pitched scream.

"Oh Norns. Loki, what did I say about the dagger... Oh, that was a mistake." she hurried to the child who just cut himself.

"Now come on, give me your hand!" she took his hand.

She began performing a healing spell that Frigga, her mother, once taught her. She didn't use it often. After all, she didn't need it and the soldiers were rarely hurt so badly that she'd have to step into action.

She watched with a smile as the small cut healed. It would've healed itself in a couple of minutes anyway but why would anyone want to listen to a crying baby when they could do something about it.

"Woah... That was awesome..." Thor said. Hela just chuckled.

She liked her brothers. They made her smile. Genuinely smile. And she liked that.

A/N: okay, so according to my calculations, Hela should be in her late teens, Thor should be like, 5 years old and Loki should be around 2 years old. Of course, that's meant in our years. In real years, it should be around 1100 (or so) years, 300 years and 120 years.

Hope you're all doing well,
Cissy :)

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