Shoot Me in the Eye (Cop AU)

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As requested by anonymous: Heyo. May I please request a fic where bucky and reader are assigned as partners and hate each other at first and then start developing feelings? + Previous anon for the cop partnership request. Could you add chubby!bucky please?


You absolutely hated your partner. He took things too seriously. He always treated people like they were criminals and, most of all, despite all that, you found him...appealing.

"Rookie," Bucky, aka Officer Barnes, mumbled as he sat at his desk across from you.

"Barnes," you gritted back. Your morning was already crap and you really weren't looking forward to dealing with his brash, snarky attitude.

"Any leads?" he took out the file from the latest case you two were working on. His mouth frowning and brows furrowing as he reread the words he's been going over for the past two days.

"One, I told you to stop calling me rookie. I'm reaching a year now working here. If anyone's a rookie, it's Parker in IT. And two, I've got a few leads."

Bucky tossed the file onto the desk, "Whaddaya got?"

"Two neighbors on different ends of the street saw our vic jogging at night, but she wasn't alone. They said some guy was jogging with her. They didn't see his face since it was dark, but they also noticed he was covering his face up pretty good."

He groaned, "Of course, he was." he rubbed his hand down his face, "You check street cameras yet?"

"Nope. Been waiting on you. This is the first time you've been late since I've worked here."

He sighed, messing with a paperclip that held the file together, "Yeah. Was working out last night. Haven't in a while so I guess I was pretty exhausted."

You cocked your brow up, "Why were you working out?"

Bucky snorted, "C'mon, Rookie, you got eyes. Look at me. Can't chase a lot of perps with the weight I got on me."

You shrugged, "I mean, you still move pretty quick."

"Not quick enough. Besides, if I'm getting back in the dating game, people don't really think chubby fellas like me are attractive."

"I think you're attractive," you said before catching yourself. Your eyes widened and you cleared your throat, "I, uh, well, um, we-we should look at the street cam footage! I'll go see if Parker or Leeds is free!" you scrambled out of your chair and rushed towards the elevators.

Bucky watched as you continued to keep your back towards him as you entered the elevator and waited for the doors to close. He let out a sigh as he pat his round stomach. He didn't want to admit that your words made him feel good, 'cause they did. But were a young, beautiful officer. There was no way a older, chubby officer like Bucky could win the affections from someone like you.


It was late and while the street cam footage helped a lot in your investigation, you were at a dead end once more. The car the suspect had gone in after the time of your victims death was a rental and the name they used was an alias. This person knew what they were doing and it was frustrating you.

Completely fed up, you slammed your hands onto your desk, startling your partner, "I'm tired of this. Wanna eat? I'm hungry and would love something that doesn't come from a vending machine."

Bucky shrugged, "I could eat."

"Great," you slipped on your coat and grabbed your things, "Let's go then."

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