Wheels Keep Rolling (Truck Driver AU)***

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Summary: It's a long drive until your next destination. You decide to have some fun with Bucky.

Warning: smut - blowjob, semi-public


This ride through the Grapevine in California feels like it goes on forever and ever. You're bored out of your mind as Bucky's eyes are focused on the road ahead, the eighteen wheeler at his command.

You let out a loud sigh, probably the fifth one in the past hour, "Buckyyyy, I'm bored!"

"I know, babydoll, but we still got a few more hours until we're at our destination. After this is done, we can go sightseein'. Alright?" he says so calmly and you hate him for it. How can he do this so much and not be on the brink of exploding? You gotta give him props though.

You lay on your back across the bench, head resting on his right thigh. Then an idea pops into your head. You roll onto your stomach and begin to palm Bucky through his jeans.

"What're you doin', missy?"

"Oh nothing," you say innocently as you feel his cock harden under your hand.

You smirk to yourself when you hear no protests as you unzip Bucky's jeans, pulling out his semi-hard length and begin to pump it in your hand.

He grunts, "Sweetheart, you really shouldn't be doin' this right now."

"Just keep the wheels rollin', baby, and everything will be alright," you murmur as you scoot closer and begin to kitten lick his cock.

You hear the leather of the steering wheel squeak as Bucky's sweaty palms tighten on it, "Fuck," he mumbles, but he doesn't stop you. Instead, he puts one hand on the back of your head and pushes you down to take more of him into your mouth.

He hears the sound of you gag and he lets you up for air, "Sorry, doll," he gives you a sorry glance.

"It's okay," you gasp, "Let's try again." this time, you slowly lower your mouth down his length, focusing all of your breathing through your nose.

Bucky's head falls back against the headrest, and he angles his body forward more. His stomach, tapping your cheek as you begin to bob your head up and down him.

"Oh God, babygirl," Bucky groans. He wants to close his eyes so much, but he's gotta keep driving. He needs to hurry up so he can drop off this trailer, take you to some motel, and fuck you silly 'cause fucking damn! You're driving him crazy right now.

He's thrusting his hips up, his cock moving in and out of your hot, wet mouth. God, does he wanna go hard and faster, make you really gag on his dick. But he supposes he'll let you have your fun. You said you were bored, after all.

So you took your time, torturing Bucky with your mouth. Giving slow licks up the underside of his shaft, your hand fondling his balls, then your mouth sucking just at his tip, taking in all the leaking pre-cum.

"Ah fuck, babydoll, gonna cum." he grunted as he grabbed a section of your hair, tugging on it as you fully sheathed his length in your mouth. His cum hitting your tongue and falling down your throat. You swallowed every drop as you licked his cock clean.

You sat up, wiping your mouth and buckling back in, looking quite satisfied while Bucky looked red, sweaty, and completely wrecked.

"You're gonna pay for that, sweetheart. Once we get to a motel, your ass is mine."

You smirk and lip your lips, "I have no doubt about that, big guy," you shoot him a wink and go back to staring out the window. 

Chubby!Bucky Series/Multi-Part FicsWhere stories live. Discover now